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Art Solbrig Protocol for Gum Disease

Dee (California) on 10/30/2020

H Art,

I may not be reading this properly: "Take a zinc lozenge in the morning and try not to swallow any of it." Are you to spit the zinc lozenge out after swishing around in your mouth? How about the other lozenge, swish & spit? For me the instructions are not fully clear.

Thank you for your time and understanding to further explain for me. Dee

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Replied by K in LA from California on 10/30/2020

I think he meant don't swallow any of it as a lozenge, allow the whole thing to dissolve in your mouth before you swallow it.
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Replied by Art from California on 10/31/2020

Hi Dee,

The zinc lozenge is so that the zinc can linger in and around the gums and teeth as long as possible, so the potential benefit is minimized if you just chew the lozenge up and swallow it. Just let it slowly dissolve in the mouth to maximize exposure to the gums and teeth. The same with the melatonin dissolvable tablet. Let it dissolve on the tongue and try and spread the melatonin around your mouth teeth and gums as it dissolves.


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Replied by NicoleD from VA on 10/31/2020

I'm pretty sure what he means is don't immediately chew up and swallow it but rather allow it to dissolve slowly in your mouth so your gums can become coated in it.
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Replied by Bpeake from OK on 08/22/2022

can the zinc cold ease be sugar free or does it have to be the regular cold ease?
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Replied by Art from California on 08/22/2022


Either one will work as it is the zinc that is the active component. On a related note, there are now zinc lozenges that use Xylitol as the sweetener. Here is an example of one :
