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Re: Questions about Hydrogen Peroxide for Viruses

Swfowkes (Cupertino, California) on 03/12/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen peroxide tolerance builds up over time. Each time you expose yourself to a dose of hydrogen peroxide, you stimulate your production of catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which dismutate the extra hydrogen peroxide. So with regular exposure, your levels of these enzymes goes up, allowing a bigger dose to be tolerated. And with cessation of exposure, the enzymes drop back to their regular levels. So you should start with only one drop and work your way up. Depending on the strength of the peroxide stock solution you are using, this can be slow (if it is strong), or fast (if it is weak).

In children (and adults) with Down's syndrome, they naturally have higher hydrogen peroxide levels all the time. This happens because they have an extra copy of their 21st chromosome, which carries the superoxide dismutase gene. Their SOD enzyme levels are roughly 50% higher, and this depletes superoxide (the substrate, or input to SOD) and raises hydrogen peroxide (the output, or product of SOD). As a result of this higher H2O2, their catalase and glutathione peroxidase go up, and stay up, just as if they were taking peroxide supplementally.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide can come in strengths varying from 3% to 35%. So you'd have to use 10-12 drops of 3% before you'd get to the same level as one drop of 35%.

Hydrogen peroxide is a general stimulant to metabolic rate. Low metabolic rate is a pro-viral influence, so H2O2 might show antiviral effects. But this is not guaranteed as there are other pro-viral factors other than low metabolic rate that might be involved in a particular person's situation.

And even if low metabolic rate IS a cause for you, H2O2 might not be the most effective way to compensate. If your low metabolic rate is caused by low levels of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), it will provide only a limited benefit. If your low metabolic rate is caused by lack of thyroid receptor activity, heavy metal toxicity, an overly alkaline diet, estrogen dominance, or a nutritional deficiency of some kind, the peroxide effect will be limited. But if your low metabolic rate is caused by low oxygen availability in your mitochondria, the peroxide might seem like a miracle cure.

By the way, most lipid-enveloped viruses are not "gotten rid of" by therapies. They merely encourage the virus to attenuate so that it is inactive or silent. With herpes, for example, roughly 99% of the human race is infected, but only a few percent have repetitive flareups. So even people who say they do not have herpes actually do have herpes. The average person who dies of old age has more herpes virions and genomes their body than they do human cells of all types combined. This is why scientists have found herpes actively replicating in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease at autopsy. The metabolic failures that occur at death are very similar to the metabolic imbalances that cause people to have regular flare ups. Only worse. (OK, you can chuckle here.) So the secret to finding a successful herpes (or other virus) treatment is matching the intervention to the metabolic imbalance. When you do that well, you get good results. And sustainable results. If you do not get good results, or if your results are not sustainable, then you need to keep searching.

I hope this helps.

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Replied by Nurit from New York on 04/09/2018

Swfowkes, You seem to be very knowledgeable.

My MIL is suffering from a burning tongue syndrome, and I read that the herpes or varicella viruses could be the cause. She has a thyroid issue and is taking medication for it (hyperthyroid, so taking medication to calm the over function of the thyroid). If this is the case, how do we diagnose the metabolic function to match the treatment?

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Replied by Swfowkes from Cupertino, California on 04/10/2018

@nurit. Over 40 years, it has been a rare experience that clients treated for thyroid problems are actually properly treated. I'd say, maybe 2%. Under-treatment for hypothyroid conditions is the standard of care, because blood testing norms are believed to be valid, and because of a professional belief that TSH is the most predictive thyroid marker when it is the least. So my first suggestion for your consideration is to re-assess your mother-in-law's hypothyroid symptoms to see if they are actually gone or mitigated. The thyroid one-pager on the steve page at the Project Wellbeing website will give you a list of symptoms. Put a single check mark next to one that your MIL feels, and two next to ones that are blatant.

Next, consider antiviral therapies using sublingual dosing. Since the tongue burning symptoms are located in the mouth, sublingual absorption of B12, vitamin A, Evening Primrose oil, or BHT dissolved in refined coconut oil would give you a clue as to what metabolic factors were at play. This is the self-care or "biohacking" model; apply the agent and see what happens. Infer from what happens what the underlying factors are.

This can be expanded to include pH assessments, CO2 assessments, metabolic-type assessments, constitutional assessments, and a variety of medical and hormone tests. This is a big enough subject to be impossible to itemize here. But ANYTHING that you find that helps (or worsens) somebody's condition gives you clues to the underlying causes. It may seem daunting to have so many variables to consider. But that's the fundamental nature of biology; it's complicated. But the good news is that the body is fundamentally a self-healing system. So you do not need to figure it all out, all you need to do is find the bottleneck or choke point that is restraining healing and the body will take care of the details.

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Replied by Erin from Edwards CO on 07/13/2022

Has anyone internally taken H2O2 with Berkey Filtered Water - instead of Distilled?
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Replied by Eljer777 from Philly suburbs on 08/02/2022

My wife has stage 1V breast cancer and uses 35% food grade HP with only alexapure water. Cancer is disappearing quickly. Uses 10 drops in half a glass of water and 1 drop of DSM 2X a day.
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Replied by Joanne from Ct on 08/22/2022

I am very interested in hearing about cancer patients that have used FGHP 35%. My husband is at the end of all possible conventional cancer treatments. He also had a triple bypass 7 yrs ago. I worry HP could affect his heart, but we both have hope that FGHP will help. Do you know of a blog on FGHP users? the best of luck to your wife
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Replied by Art from California on 08/22/2022


What specific type of cancer does your husband have?



Replied by Carol from Missouri on 09/15/2022

What does DSM stand for?
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Replied by Madelyn from Idaho on 09/15/2022

Hi Carol, I’m almost certain that DSM is DMSO. I was just reading about how effective and safe DMSO is in targeting and eliminating cancer cells. You can read more about it in the following ebook. If you can’t find it online, I can email you a copy if you leave an email address.




Research Summary

Dr. Dennis Clark, Ph.D. Research Scientist

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Replied by L.A. from Southern California on 11/30/2022

Hello Earth Clinic community,

I am suffering so much from chronic fatigue for years and only have a little money left, so I have to be decisive on what I'm able to try. I just bought a nebulizer so I can nebulize food grade H2O2, as I was having hard time drinking it, and I do suspect mold spores in my sinuses for years.

With that said, will nebulizing be enough to heal me, or am I going to have to get an ozone machine too?

But another thing I'm wondering, could I add a very tiny bit of food grade H2O2 to my waters and get the same effect as ozonating it? I don't mean doing the significant doses of H2O2 in distilled water. I mean tinier amounts of H2O2 that I can drink all day w/out having to worry about not mixing it with foods and supplements. I got this idea when James Roguski said to add a tiny bit of H2O2 to your raw milk to keep the bad bacteria at bay. I thought, well if we can do that, then surely we can add tiny amounts to our spring water that we drink with other supplements, right..?

I also started thinking on this since I'm seeing "oxygenated" waters at my local natural foods store that are extremely expensive, though I wish I could afford them. Could I add a tiny bit of H2O2 to get the same effect as these types of waters?

P.s. I had been drinking food grade 3% H2O2 daily in the morning in distilled water. I had increased it slowly over time, but it just started tasting gross as I drank higher amounts, and it was becoming burdening for me to have to wait to add my supplements and breakfast I so depended on. Also, it seems I had very little improvement while forcing myself to do something that was starting to make me feel grossed out. I'm not saying H2O2 isn't amazing, just that I'm needing other/easier ways to get the oxygen in me.


Replied by MelR from Portland, Ore. on 11/30/2022

Lemon juice may help mask the bitter taste of hydrogen peroxide in drinking water. Lime could work but other citrus such as grapefruit or orange may not do as well with their sugar content. H2O2 was distasteful to me when I first tried it, but now it's not a bother at 10 drops of 35% per glass. I use an ozone machine (air purifier) and it works great as I am often in a damp area or a room that has poor air circulation. I would check if the "oxygenated waters" in the store actually have more oxygen than regular tap or distilled water. They may have put oxygen through the water which may have cleaned it a bit, but it doesn't stay.
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Replied by mmsg from somewhere, europe on 12/01/2022

MeIR, and how does one check?
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Replied by Jess from Phoenix on 07/03/2023

In my view, I'd stick to using distilled or RO water. The Berkey water may have residual minerals in it, which may/could react with the H2O2.