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Questions About Castor Oil for Tumors in Ears of Cat

Posted By Sweet Karma (ID) on 07/31/2021

"Hello everyone,

My cat has some small (less then 1/2 an inch) benign tumors in his ears which cannot be completely removed surgically because of how many there are and how deep they go. If I am to apply castor oil in his ears and the tumors break open, in what ways can I then disinfect? Do you think I could use hydrogen peroxide for this situation?"

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Posted By Rob (Kentucky) on 08/01/2021

"Yes, Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to disinfect if the tumor breaks open. Now, if the castor oil does not work, here is a trick I learned working on 2 different cats.

1st Cat: She got bitten by some poisonous insect. We were thinking a spider since she was an outside cat. It bit her on her head behind the ear. Her face literally started melting off. Her owner named her zombie cat. 3 days after her wound, I came over with a bottle of turpentine pure gum spirits from humco and told her to dilute in coconut oil 1:1 and apply to the wound with a Q-tip. The owner did this for 4 days and the poison came out thru the cat's ear. It looked like pink tissue ball about the size of a gumball. It burst open and she cleaned it out with H2O2. The cat is still alive today however I think she has lost hearing in that ear.

2nd Cat: Another outside cat had a knot below the jaw line and was lethargic and not eating. Again, I brought turpentine over and had them diluted 1:1 with coconut oil and apply with Q-tip to the area. The cat completely recovered in 1 ½ days and the knot was gone."

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Posted By Tessa (Okanagan) on 08/01/2021

"Hi Sweet Karma –

Here is an Earth Clinic link with lots of options (including hydrogen peroxide) for taking care of pets with tumors:

The link below is from a holistic pet care site. They recommend colloidal silver for cats but, then again, they sell it.

Here’s a YouTube video about treating pets with colloidal silver. The comments below the video are enlightening! Lots of success stories.

Treating Dogs and Other Pets with Colloidal Silver

You can buy colloidal silver at a health food store or, if you know someone who has a silver generator, they can give you some to try out.

I hope you find the right answer for your cat’s needs.

Take care,
