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Apple Cider Vinegar for Cat Mange

Posted By May (PA) on 06/06/2021

"ACV for Cat Mange

I tried the Organic Apple Cider (Bragg) and when my cat would keep chewing and biting and eating off her fur, I would soak her down with the ACV and it didn't seem to help much. She would just keep eating and biting and going at it. I tried the ACV for a good week straight, every time I would see her licking and biting I would soak her, but it didn't help! :("

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Posted By Mary Martinez (Arcadia, CA) on 01/31/2024

"My cat had mange too. He was always biting and scratching himself had bald spots all over. He was also FIV too. What cured his mange was Turmeric oil. He hated the taste of it and finally left his fur alone. I used to rub it all over his spots. He passed away but had all his fur again. Hope this helps you.


Mary Martinez"