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How to Protect Older Dogs From Injuries - New Page, Please Add Suggestions!

Posted By Deirdre (Los Angeles) on 07/26/2017

"One of my dogs, an 11 year old golden retriever, unfortunately when I was out of town a few weeks ago, injured one of her back legs. I suspect it was due to thumping down too hard on the hardwood floor in the hallway and her front paws sliding when she pushed herself to get up. The vet's x-ray revealed severe arthritis in the hips. This was a SUCH A BUMMER to learn because I've been diligently giving her supplements like turmeric and Acv for a few years now to prevent arthritis.

As soon as I got home, I covered every bare floor with runners I bought at Lowe's. I focused on the hallways and areas in between rugs. I also now use a support under her belly for all stairs and curbs when we go on walks. She's recovered very well, thankfully.

What's also helped is weight loss on freeze-dried raw food. Unfortunately, she had started to get diarrhea on the frozen raw food and I then put her on venison and lentil (grain-free) kibble, where she immediately gained weight.

I also give her turmeric curcumin, boswellia and sea mussel extract supplements and she gets a massage every day or two. She started making remarkable improvement with boswellia, which I added about 5 days ago. I give her a capsule morning and night with food."

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Posted By Or (Florida) on 01/18/2022

"What was the raw food called? Raw can initiate GI issues if you start too soon. Introduce gradually and he'll be ok, like over a week, 1/2 tsp at a time. My ex is a great holistic vet who does nationwide phone consults, based in Fla, and he and I have 30 years of experience with raw food. The best thing for animals!!"