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Aloe for Fleas in Cats

Posted By Rootdr (Ft Myers, Fl) on 08/09/2015

"Flea infestations - don't do diatomacious earth unless you want your entire house covered in white powder. Nor orange oil unless you want to burn them badly.

And the answer for many skin conditions in cats is brushing and then aloe from an aloe plant applied to the skin. Works like a charm. I will be trying the Apple Cider Vinegar for their remaining fleas. Thanks so much for that."

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Posted By Katzie (Calgary) on 08/05/2021

"I just wanted to chime in here and say that you certainly DO want your entire floor covered in grey powder!! In fact, I use the D.E., along with numerous boxes of cheap salt, baking soda as well as boric acid - cause I am really mean to fleas and ticks. I also look at it as I don't have to mop for 3 days at a time. I will be doing the same treatment on my floors weekly, 3 days at a time, for a month to try to keep them under control. D.E. is badass on fleas, ticks & roaches!

If fleas are walking and jumping around in your house, that can't be allowed to continue. Diatomaceous Earth is cheap and super effective. I treat my dogs fur, the floors and our yard and this has been super successful!! You need to treat not just your pet, but your house, too, or you will be overwhelmed with flea infestation in a short time. D.E. also dries out the larvae and flea dirt (sustenance for flea babies), and they will die. The D.E. dries out their exo-skeletons and they die, in a short amount of time. It's awesome!!"