Apple Cider Vinegar for Xanthelasma Polyps

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Vesna (Jacksonville, Fl) on 01/27/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Xanthelasma removal

I have high cholesterol, and xanthelasma on my eyelids. Best cure for me is using apple cider vinegar, it dissolves, liquefies, fat yellowish substance under the skin, around eyes. I am persistent.

I tried garlic, prior apc. It was painful, long crusty process. For me apple cider vinegar worked better, even thou I had removed significant layer of fat, using garlic, then I switched to apc.

Now it is almost clear, after two months, during the treatment my skin gets irritated, crusty, swollen, I put castor oil overnight and in the morning it looks good, then I apply apc again.

It looks good now, almost invisible pale white spots.

Now, after two months, I mix coconut oil with baking soda and apply it, tonight, I will see results in the morning.

Coconut oil little spoon and the same amount of baking soda works wonderful on removing skin cancer spots.

I also drink apple cider vinegar with water daily, and avoid fat food, oil.

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