Multiple Remedies for Vulvodynia

4 star (1) 

Puppida (Nj) on 03/31/2017:
4 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with vulvodynia in 2010. I had a lot of burning for about 2 and half months before I knew what it was. The doctor put me on amitriptylin, liodacaine and a very small dose of a hormone that was directly inserted vaginally. I did go on the medication but I think my burning started to go away on its own, because The medication to only help with symptoms could of not acted that fast. The burning did go away and stayed awa for 6 years. About a month ago the burning came back. I am taking the natural root this time. I am taking St John's Wort in place of amitriptylin, ice packs and oatmeal baths instead of liodacaine. Multi-probiotic and vitamin b supplements. Good Healthy low carb diet. Avoiding processed foods as much as possible. I do walk as exercise, I think that it is the safest.
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