Ec's Onion Juice Remedy for Vomiting

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Ec (Indianapolis, In) on 01/19/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

My 6 year old woke up vomiting from a sound sleep & continued non stop for about 20 minutes before I looked up this remedy. My hubby juiced an onion with a garlic press & just picked out the big pieces of onion. He drank the onion juice down like a champ & then sipped some black tea for a few minutes. He just went back to bed as if nothing had happened. Amazing!
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Dobeluver2431 (Palm Springs, Fl) on 10/18/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

This is an absolute keeper! After violently vomiting for 6 hours yesterday, I finally researched home remedies for my husband and came across this. He was quite hesitant with the onion juice, but I assured him that I thoroughly researched it and it'll work. Needless to say, within an hour he stopped vomiting and was actually able to get a whole nights' sleep (again, after violently vomiting from 9am-6pm last night). We're still not sure what made him sick (as I ate the same thing he did the day before), but will definitely refer this remedy to anyone who has this happen. Thank you sooo much!!

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Bk (New York, Ny) on 01/17/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

E.C.'s onion juice remedy worked for me! I got what I assume to be food poisoning from sushi and couldn't stop vomiting. I would vomit every 20 minutes for over 4 hours. Finally, my boyfriend was looking up remedies to stop it and he found this one so he went out and got the simple ingredients and it worked! He had to force me to take it because I was so nauseous but I'm glad he did! Within in minutes I felt better! It burned really bad going down but it was worth it. I was good for another couple of hours when I started to feel like vomiting again, so he made me some more, I took it and went to bed. Great remedy!!!

Thank you!

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Richard (Puyallup, Wa) on 12/26/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

Have a 10 yr old son. Started vomiting at 4 in the am. Turned to dry heaves/bile and continued about every half-hour for the next 6 hours.

Tried the onion juice & peppermint tea. It did not work. He retched it back up within about 30 seconds. I would not recommend the onion.


Tony (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 11/10/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

This remedy worked like magic on 14 year old daughter. She vomitted several times. I tried giving here activated carbon with water, but she vomited it out after 5 to 10 minutes. Then I read your remedy of onion juice and tea. She drank it, and her vomitting stopped. I also read from another web site that plain water induces vomiting. So we should also refrain from drinking plain water, but drink tea instead.

Thank you!

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Fadi (Madison, WI) on 02/25/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi my brother had been vomiting severely for 8 hours and had vomited 5-6 times. Before we went to the doctor as a last ditch effort we decided to try the onion juice peppermint tea remedy and wait for an hr. IT WORKED! he said it tasted terrible and burned like fire but it was worth it! Thank you so much for the remedy!!! (also we used chamomile, mint and sage combo in the tea :)) thanks again
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Katie (St. Louis, Missouri) on 06/28/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I've had a stomach bug for the last couple of days, feeling worse today. I took pepto bismo, did nothing. I tried the onion juice and can finally keep down liquids, even feeling hunger. Very thankful for this remedy!
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Linda (Harrison, Arkansas) on 03/27/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found onion liquid juice in the local grocery store, in the spice and extract section, it would save alot of time and tears. and yes it is working!!
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