Black Tea for Vomiting

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Autumn (Portland, Or) on 02/18/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Black Tea with Honey for Vomiting... This is the only thing that I could keep down and eventually stop vomiting. Still have the aches, chills, and fever, but the gut-twisting agony is over so I can finally rest. Thanks for posting this- it's a lifesaver!
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Ashleyj430 (Chicago, Il) on 03/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Holy smokes! My 8 year old son has been vomiting and dry heaving for the last 7 hours. He started begging me to call our doctor but it is Sunday so then he asked me to "Google" what might help. Found this site and tried making him a big mug of black tea with two bags. He just told me that he has never felt better and no throwing up for the last hour and I hope that it lasts! *fingers crossed*

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Amy (Surrey, Bc / Canada) on 01/30/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I had the worst stomach flu for three days with incessant vomiting and dizziness and was sweating and feeling almost like I should be hospitalized. I also had severe diarrhea on and off. I looked up your "how to stop vomiting" website with the thought that probably nothing would actually stop it at the point it was quickly progressing too. I was wrong. I added a slice of ginger and honey to the black tea and it took several sips and probably half and hour but I have NEVER seen anything like it!!! Seriously even gravol couldn't touch it, or ginger tea by itself. Thanks!!!
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Audrey (Frederick, Md) on 01/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have to say- this helped IMMEDIATELY. I know tea/honey makes a sore throat better- but I never thought to try it for vomitting/diarea... until today. Everyone at work, and at home has been fighting off a stomach bug/flu... today I stayed home cause I wasn't feeling good- and I was right. I coudn't stay out of the bathroom for 3 hours...

Finally a dragged my laptop in with me and between bouts, I found this site. I had black tea and I had raw organic honey.... So I forced myself into the kitchen brewed a strong cup and added two tablespoons of raw organic honey- and instantly the vomiting stopped. It has been about 45 minutes since I finshed the tea, and besides a little bit of gurgling in My tummy- I'm feeling much better. Now I am going to try to take a nap! :)

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Donna (Beavercreek, Or) on 12/31/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

YEA! I was so sick with vomiting and diarhea. I had dry heaves from 1:15 A. M. - 7 A. M. (which is when I found this site). I was worn out from the dry heaves - my biggest break between episodes had been 25 minutes. I obviously had nothing else to vomit, just froth. After I found this site, my husband placed 3 tea bags in hot water for me - I was anxious to try it and drank a sip - I vomited immediately, but then let it steep for a bit until it was strong - then I drank a sip. No vomiting. Then another sip. This COMPLETELY and IMMEDIATELY elimated my dry heaves. I layed down, drank one or two more sips - then slept. I am now telling everyone about this remedy. It would have been wonderful to know about this earlier. THANK YOU!

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Tami (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 11/04/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I give black tea a YEA for eliminating vomiting. Thank GOD I found this site and suggestion. I have food poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea for 12 hours now. It was so painful to vomit because there is NOTHING in my body and it was literally gut wrenching pain. Nothing over the counter worked so I asked my husband to go buy some black tea. Well he found 1 tea bag from a hotel or some odd place that I had stashed in the kitchen. I drank it plain and strong and it worked immediately. Now I only have diarrhea and much milder stomach cramps but the painful vomiting is over.

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Lindsey (Sanger, Texas) on 10/17/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

NEA Unfortunately this remedy did not work for me or my daughter. We both had been vomiting for about 5 hours when I decided to look up ways to stay hydrated and came across this site. I brewed two black tea bags in one cup of water for about 7 minutes till very dark. We each took a few sips for a little while then tried to rest. Both of us continued to have stomach cramps and while I have not vomited again I still feel like I may, and my daughter has continued to vomit.

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Berlie (Kcmo, Mo) on 05/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I agree with all the YEA's for the black tea. I have never heard of this. My mom told me to go get Emuterol to stop the cycle of vomiting, but I just couldn't get out of the house. I read these posts and looked in our cabinet and we just happened to have Lipton black tea flavored with vanilla. I honestly think it has been in there for 5 years. Anyway, I sipped down one coffee mug of it slowly and was able to calm my stomach a bit and keep from throwing up. Next step - trying to eat and I am starting with the BRAT diet ...

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Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/03/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a bad migraine yesterday and was throwing and feeling very nauseas. I couldn't keep food or drink down (even water). I checked here to see what people recommended and tried honey by itself (did not work), also tried the ACV and baking soda (did not work). I finally tried the black tea suggestion. I put two tea bags of black tea in hot water and let it sit for a short while. I sipped it slowly and did not vomit again and the nausea seemed to go away as well.
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Amanda (Felton, Pennsylvania) on 02/11/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Ahah I woke up with the stomach flu at 2am that my sister, Mom, &nd niece all had earlier this week. I have a huge fear of throwing up, so I decided to look for remedies so I wouldn't, &nd I tried the Black tea thing. I was sipping at it for an hour, but it work AHMAZINGLY! I didn't throw up at all. Only bad thing was I couldn't sleep until after 7:30am, and then I only slept for an hour. Plus I couldn't sleep the night before, so that didn't help either. But the tea thing did workk, ((:

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Maritza (Detroit, Michigan) on 01/17/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm so glad I found this site!! Woke up at 7:00 this morning with terrible stomach cramps and vomiting. The pharmacist recommended Cola Syrup to stop the nausea, but she didn't have anything for the vomiting. Once I found the website, I decided to settle on the black tea. I just brewed three bags of tea in a 12oz cup nice and strong and sipped it untill it was gone. The bitterness really didn't bother me at all. Shortly after finishing the tea, I fell asleep and woke up at noon feeling no stomach upset. It's wonderful! I recommend this to everyone.

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Robin (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/25/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

When I start vomiting, it usually takes over 24 hours to go away. I have the dry heaves and then stomach bile that comes up and its a truly horrible experience. I tried the black tea with a spoonful of honey last night, and it worked!! It was pretty rough going down, but well worth it. I used 2 large tea bags in just a cup of water and a teaspoon of honey. This is the only thing that has ever stopped my vomiting other than phenegren.

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Giuseppe (Sacramento, Ca) on 05/22/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

That worked great! I am a single dad, with a 6 years old. He had been throwing up for 24 hrs, just sleep and throw up..., could not hold down anything. I was ready to take him to the doctor or emergency room when I found this site. I gave him a big spoon of raw honey that I bought a few months back from an independent honey maker, and gave him black tea. He went back to sleep, and after 1 hour he was up talking, back being himself... then I gave him another spoon and more tea. He has been playing nicely, very energetic. I can't believe that he has not had any real food for 1 day and 1/2, and just 2 spoons of raw honey got him back up and running! And I can't believe that he did not throw up, as he would vomit even a spoon of water! Thanks!!

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Lynn (Gulfport, Florida) on 03/06/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Regarding the black tea for vomiting and nausea, I had a case of stomach flu that had me throwing up for four days. I couldn't stop and had the dry heaves. A friend told me to take regular tea bags (not black) and steep three of them in one cup of boiling water and sip it. It was very bitter, but it worked like a charm, and I didn't vomit after my first cup. Tea has a complicated chemistry, and some of the chemicals in tea relax the muscles and nerves.

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Heather (APO, AE (Germany)) on 12/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter was throwing up and could not even keep water down. I made her some black tea and added a teaspoon on raw German honey to it. She has been sipping it and the vomiting has stopped. She was throwing up so bad that nothing was coming up at all. She is also telling me that she feels so much better. I am so glad that I found this site!!!!!
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Kristina (Waukesha, WI) on 03/20/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, my grandma used to make us drink strong black tea each time we had the flu, as it would stop vomiting and help settle the stomach. I have tried it with green tea as well and it works the same, and usually you don't need more than a few sips before it starts working. Now I don't even wait for the vomiting to start--I go straight for the tea upon first symptoms of the flu.

I have also used this remedy for severe menstrual cramps and diahrrea and those times when painful gas gets in the way of elimination. One time I even tried it for a headache and it went away. Works wonders!

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