Colloidal Silver for Trigger Finger

4 star (1) 

Jan (Louisville, Colorado) on 12/22/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I have had my second bout with trigger thumb. The first time I had a cortisone shot which after two weeks resolved the problem. My doctor didn't seem to think it would work and thought that I would probably have to have surgery to resolve it, but I was also taking MSM which I think helped tremendously. However, this second time around, the MSM has not worked. I really didn't want another cortisone treatment and have tried both exercises and other herbal treatments without success. Two weeks ago, I got an intestinal virus which I took colloidal silver for and noticed that my thumb was doing better, but I thought that it was finally starting to go away on it's own until yesterday morning. I woke up in a lot of pain, my thumb was swollen and red and hot to the touch. That's when I realized that it was an infection of some sort. Since I hadn't cut my thumb I was pretty sure that the infection was not bacterial, and had a strong suspicion that it was a yeast infection. Which explains why it had reoccured and why some people are having success with garlic as it has antifungul properties.

So I started taking colloidal silver, a tablespoon every few hours, letting it sit under my tongue as long as possible for quicker absorption. I also rubbed horipito extract on the swollen area before going to bed and kept a hotpack on it through the night. This morning, the swelling and redness, and most of the pain had subsided. Through the last two days, I have also rubbed in an arnica cream. By this evening, I was able to bend my thumb without a lot of pain or snapping, and I haven't been able to do this for the last six weeks. I plan on continuing the same treatment using the horipito and silver in the same amounts for at least the next two to three days. Then I will reduce the amount of colloidal silver to a tablespoon in the morning and one in the evening until I am absolutely sure that the infection is gone. In all honesty, I am absolutely amazed how quickly this is working for me.

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