Lugol's Iodine for Hair Loss

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Miranda (Campbellsville, Ky) on 11/06/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering with hypothyroidism for 20 years. One year ago I started using Lugol's iodine. 3 drops in about a cup of water or juice everyday. After about 3 months, I thought I was cured and therefore quit using my thyroid medication (Naturethroid). I was so wrong and so discouraged that I almost quit using the Lugol's. However, I decided to just keep using it anyway, it was helping my symptoms: hairloss, being extremely tired, can't think, feeling bad all over, etc. As a bonus, it cured my fibrocytic breast (they hurt really bad for a while while using it, but then they got better, then well).

Anyhow, one month ago, to my suprise, my pharmacy informed me that my nurse practicioner reduced my medication from taking 5 pills a day to 3. I had given up hope that it was going to work because I'd had this problem for so long (my thyroid felt like a rock). I'm not cured yet, but I have renewed hope that I possibly could be someday. I do know this: anytime you begin a thyroid Rx medication, change a medication, or stop a medication, one of the side effects is hair loss for up to 3 months! The Lugol's has given me my hair back - Thank God. Chances are, if you tell your doc that you're going to try this, they will probably not approve. So, I didn't tell mine, but whenever I felt like my thyroid was off, I would get them to check it. If someone begins the iodine therapy, just have your doctor monitor your thyroid profile as closely as possible because it can cause you to become hyperthyroid because of too much Rx medication. However, needing to reduce or eleminate the Rx medication eventually is a good thing. I'm really hoping FDA doesn't interfere any further with this wonderful healing elixer. I will try to keep everyone updated with any progress. Good luck. God bless.

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Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 10/16/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, Try Lugols iodine it helped me with hair loss, also have thyriod problem. Good luck.
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