Ionic Toothbrush, Liquid Calcium for Tooth Enamel

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Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 09/16/2010:
1 out of 5 stars


I would be very wary of coral calcium. In addition to concerns about illegal harvesting of reefs, this is not a pure product. When Consumer Reports tested several brands of coral calcium in 2005 they found high levels of lead. Additionally, since coral calcium can only be harvested from dead reefs, it begs the question of what caused coral to die. While it could be benign factors such as increase in temperatures, it could also be more negative causes such as spills of oil from ships, discharge of industrial waste into reef areas, etc. In short, you don't know what pollutants are in this product, and you are chancing your health on using it. You can query the web also for many reports on the quackery and danger of this product.

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M Bolton (Leeds, England) on 04/22/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Toothbrushes that release negative ions will definately re-mineralise teeth. I use an ionic toothbrush and then swish unsweetened liquid calcium around my mouth. Years ago I strengthend a tooth that the denist said was like paper. I used a negative ioniser machine right up close to the front tooth. The dentist was then able to cover it with a resin filling. I wish the toothbrushes had been aveilable in those days!
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