Bentonite Clay, Multiple Remedies for Tooth Abscess

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Riverlover (Nc) on 12/26/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Well after a month, I've come out on the other side from a tooth abscess where I allowed the infection to spread to my jaw. I thought I could keep working and just take some natural antibacterials to treat it. Not so. My jaw line became swollen, my tooth on the lower jaw was loose, and the pain was indescribably intense at one point.

15 years ago, I had an abscess, and I naively trusted my oral surgeon and allowed all of my upper teeth to be pulled at the age of 35. I just didn't know better. I will never trust dental professionals again, so I went after this on my own.

At first, I threw pretty much everything listed here at it. I took/applied lots of colloidal silver, oil of oregano, garlic, tea bags, turmeric and salt water, H202, and more. What finally helped me turn this around was Bentonite Clay. I got both the powder and the liquid clay. My cheek and gums were raw at first from all the treatments I'd been applying, but it didn't hurt, it just felt weird as it drew out the infection. I alternated between making a little putty with the powder and leaving between infected gun and infected cheek for 20 mins and doing bentonite swishes with the liquid for 10-15 mins. I did one of them once a day. Maybe I COULD HAVE DONE IT 2XS/DAY, who knows. But the swelling went down after the first day and disappeared after the 2nd day. at least externally. There was still some swelled pockets inside my mouth that went away after 4 more days.

The pain level diminished greatly. After using the clay, I first used 50/50 H20 & H202 to rinse. Then I switched to a periodontal wash I got at Whole Foods, with all sorts of good stuff in it. (golden seal, oregano, Gotu Kola, olive leaf, grapefruit seed, xylitol, chlorophyll, etc)

I apply a similar periodontal rub/gel on the gum before bed, after rinsing and brushing with a natural toothpaste.

I take 20K iu of Vitamin D3, 8K mg of buffered C, 400 mg Q10, molybdenum with 2 meals, and try to stay very hydrated. I think the most important thin I take hasn't been listed here and that's Olive Leaf Extract (OLE).

Look up this amazing antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain killing, liver-helping herb. I started this shortly after the clay. I try to take one ev 2 hours. Sometimes every hour. I will keep up with it for a while. There are no side effects.

Now, one month later, its -almost- like it never happened. The tooth is firm, I can eat & smile without pain, and I feel really good. I think this might have been a blessing in disguise. Its gotten me refocused on my health. The abscess has left behind a severely recessed gum however, so now my job is to remineralize the bone and tooth & try to rebuild the gumline. Hence the D3, Vit C, and Q10. As I understand, I'll also need some L-lysine & Threonine.

My fingers are crossed that the tooth in question isn't actually dead and has a chance at rebounding. I will update if it is in fact a goner & doesn't hurt anymore simply because the nerves are shot...

So anyways, I hope this helps someone out there, maybe bring about healing faster than a month! It was about a 7 day recovery once I began the clay treatment to draw the infection out. Blessed Be.

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