Zander (Anytown, USA) on 06/20/2023
DMSO in Coconut Oil Topically Applied to Swollen Thyroid - Walnut Oil Optional
I cannot find any precedent for topical DMSO on a slightly swollen thyroid gland. I have what I suspect is self-limiting, sub acute thyroiditis with some now visible swelling of the thyroid on one side, preceded by two months of a roller coaster ride from hell of rapid heart rater, insomnia, loss of appetite, tremors....all the "too much thyroid production is going on" and this high octane misery is running though you system, symptoms.
I have no insurance and have not been able to get to an endocrinologist at all.
No one will help me, so I'll have to help myself. First, I've taken all recommended supplements: selenium, rhodiola, motherwort, molybdenum, black seed oil, etc. Most things help somewhat or for a while, but the terrible hyper heart racing and all persist.
So I got to thinking...I am very familiar with DMSO. Basically, getting sulfur (the /S/ in DMSO) into the cells anywhere is like a tonic to them and with this help, they may well return to their optimal functioning. And coconut oil is recommended for hyperthyroid conditions, be they self-limiting as I hope this current thyroiditis is, or more long-standing such as Grave's Disease. Walnut oil, topically applied, is part of the traditional Ayurvedic treatment for thyroid.
I have had no pain and no visible swelling of the thyroid, but I can now feel the swollen area. I have been applying walnut oil, nightly since I suspected this was a hyper thyroid issue of some sort (two months + ago). Once I applied the DMSO and coconut today, I can feel the gland "tingling" ever so slightly - almost imperceptibly. Is this good? I have the feeling that it is. I'm going to continue with this experiment upon myself because, really, I have no access to modern healthcare approaches to my condition and they all seem to be subpar ones at best, anyway.
I will update this post with results. I am going to proceed with a single, daily application until symptoms (hopefully) improve. That will mean:
- no more "hyper" symptoms
- swelling has gone down to nothing
There is also a tradition of taking pure walnut oil, 1 teaspoon, 3x a day, an hour before meals. I may try this as well.
In before it's asked: "How much coconut oil and DMSO?" About 1/3 cup coconut oil and 10 drops of the purest, glass-bottled, food-grade DMSO
Hydrogen Peroxide Helped Thyroid Cathy (OH) on 01/09/2023
35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide
I used this product for about two years, and I had thyroid problems, but after taking this my thyroid was fine, and I was off medication for it. My doctor was really surprised because he said no one gets off thyroid medication.
Seeking Hyperparathyroid Remedies Carol (Lyons, NY) on 10/23/2021
What is good for a hyperparathyroid condition?
Thyroid Effect From Raw Spinach John (Hi) on 06/27/2020
I chose to eat raw spinach as my leafy green and did so daily to the tune of 1 pound a week over a year. I had been warned about effects of oxalic acid causing stones but I didn't think I was overeating it. Over time I became less focused, irritable and finally fatigued, a feeling I had never experienced!
I tested for my thyroid markers and and they were through the roof! I immediately stopped the spinach and gradually normalized! Anecdotally, when I ate katuk, I experienced insomnia! Then, raw parsely and cilantro caused my skin to itch! Back to romaine lettuce for me. (Sauropus androgynus, also known as katuk, star gooseberry, or sweet leaf, is a shrub grown in some tropical regions as a leaf vegetable.)
Coconut Oil for Thyroid Issues Dardenel (Us) on 11/14/2018
I am so excited this a.m. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid on Sept. 5,2018. I was prescribed synthroid, and took it for 2 weeks, then stopped as I was feeling awful, worse than when I was diagnosed. I found Earthclinic and read about natural ways to try to even out my numbers. I got onto Coconut Oil for it's iodine, and also started using salt again, but SeaSalt only, and just about one 8th of tsp a day.
I know many of my foods Id added to my diet had iodine as well, so I didnt want to get too much. Easy does it I kept remembering. I got my new, thyroid bloodwork back this a.m. and I'd like to share the pics so I'll try to do that. The first is the before numbers, and the second is the "after". I'm so thrilled and I hope others will try this.
EC: So sorry, your pics did not upload for some reason.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Hyperthyroidism G (Sydney) on 08/04/2016
ACV did absolutely nothing for the Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism I was suffering. Only 15ml of Borax solution in a glass of water, 4 times time a day (minimum) settled it right down, reduced my once perpetually swollen thyroid back down to normal size and allows me to sleep at least once every 24 hours (instead of going up to 4 straight days without sleep).
Re: Hair Loss and Thyroid Timh (Ky) on 04/08/2016
Liz: You are welcome.
I get the feeling that people are reluctant to try Magnet Therapy especially on the Thyroid, so I will respond be not afraid as there is no evidence of harm. I use strong magnets, but one should at least begin removing bad energy, inflammation, and infection with a simple Refrigerator Magnet. From my personal experience in a variety of conditions and body parts, Magnets are the single best place to start a cure. So many conditions never respond favorably to many treatments whether conventional or alternative because of the "preconditions" of bad energy, inflammation, and infection.
Recently I have found Zapping almost completely ineffective for local infection in my joints & lower spine until I discovered Magnet Therapy was absolutely necessary prior to Zapping. So now, I do this sequence as a rule-of-thumb on joints or even sensitive parts like thyroid & Thymus glands. Speaking of the Thymus Gland, in relation to the Thyroid, there could very well be a connection with especially the autoimmunity. Any toxin like Fluoride, zenobiotic, parasite, or infection in the Thymus Gland will produce immune dysfunction of many types as the Thymus is "the brain" of the immune system. For starters, one should use a Refrigerator Magnet on both these glands and also do a "tapping" with a fingertip to both heal & stimulate these glands back to normal.
Lugol's Iodine for Thyroid Issues Perljen (Syracuse, Ny) on 05/09/2015
My daughter has been in treatment for thyroid issues. She started Lugol's protocol. Now she tells me the treatment caused her thyroid to noticeably enlarge. I'm very skeptical of this. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Can Leeches Be Used to Reduce Eye Swelling Caused by Thyroid? Chrs (Wichita, Ks) on 12/25/2014
Was just wondering if anyone has tried leech therapy for the swelling and inflammation during active thyroid eye disease. Would be interested in hearing about the experience and pros or cons to it's use.
Any Negative Interactions With MB, TSP, STS, Lugol's, Turp, Borax? Cj (Texas, US) on 11/16/2014
Hi all,
I would like to know if there are any known issues with the following remedies. More specifically, if they would interact/hinder each other.
Borax, sodium thiosulfate, turpentine, methylene blue, lugol's iodine, trisodium phosphate. I guess I should add in my thyroid medication Armor.
My current regiment is to take Borax M-Th as told by Ted 1/8 tsp. First thing in the morning I'll take 1 drop of 2.3% MB - that gets put into a cup and mixed with 1000mg of ascorbic acid. Fr-Sun I'll take 12-30mg of Lugol's. No MB on those days, or if I do, I put 12 hours between them.
TSP I'll take after work, 1 oz of a solution (1/2 tsp in liter water).
I plan on taking STS and turpentine on different days since they are so powerful. Perhaps Saturday and Wednesday nights before bed.
Anyone see any issues with this? I also take sodium bicarb after lunch and dinner.
Change in Natural Thyroid Medication Aloha (Las Vegas, US) on 10/16/2014
It appears they have changed the formula of this natural dessicated thyroid med. that everyone has been seeing good results with please see link:
Question on How to Use Coconut Oil for Thyroid and Weight Loss Sundar (Balasore, Odisha) on 10/05/2014
Please, tell me the process for using coconut oil for thyroid and weight loss.
Coconut Oil for Lump in Thyroid Jennifer (Florida, US) on 08/16/2014
This is my first time on this website. I am reading a lot about coconut oil which I have heard about for a very long time because in my country (the islands) the older people used coconut oil on their skin, hair and to cook. My question is I have a nodule (lump) in my thyroid I am on medication for many years now , do you think by taking the coconut oil it will shrink the lump? I have been seeing an ENT Dr.for many years.
Re: Kelp for Iodine John (South Africa) on 05/19/2014
I began taking kelp as a source of iodine, I noticed an immediate improvement in my weight loss but I began to suffer with sinus issues and had very low energy. After a few days a thick white coating with an odd taste appeared on my tongue. I think it might have been a case of mercury contamination in kelp "feeding" yeast overgrowth. I've not suffered with any type of yeast overgrowth before and having gone off the kelp, my symptoms have alleviated.
Coconut Oil for Thyroid Conditions Nancy (New York, New York) on 08/31/2013
I have a tendency towards hyperthyroid (I'm not on any meds) but EVCO made my heart race and my hyperthyroid and insomnia symptoms a million times worse. I took tons of Magnesuim chloride and glycinate and exercised and my symptoms went away. The only other supplement that made me suddenly go into a hyperthyroid state like that was Iodine.
Remedies Requested for Thyroid Related Hair Loss Laura (Arizona) on 08/22/2013
Hi! I'm hoping you can help me. I am a woman in my mid-50's. I have autoimmune thyroid disease. I am also in menopause. I have lost almost all of the outer half of my eyebrows. I have an area about 2 inches by 2 inches on the front top of my hairline where my scalp meets my forehead that is almost bald. It's so embarrassing to me. The hair on the sides of my head is thinning considerably and you can see my scalp. The thinning of hair is getting worse, the older I get. In the past when I get my thyroid medication regulated, it still does not effect my hair growth at all. I use to have beautiful hair when I was younger. Can you recommend some sort of herbal remedy that is not full of heavy metals that could help me? My sister says that taking about 5,000 mcg of biotin daily could help me. Someone told me possibly the herbs nettle or saw palmetto and horsetail could help me. For a while I took an over the counter remedy for hairloss with fo-ti in it that I got from a pharmacy, but I worried about taking something with fo-ti in it long term. Could you please help me by suggesting some herbs that are safe that I could take to help me grow my hair back? Any help you can give me is so greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Thyroid Removal Ruining my Life Kelli (Va) on 06/04/2013
I am 40 yr old female. I had my thyroid removed about 5 yr ago. It was by far the biggest mistake I have ever made. But relying on my Dr. recommendations I had it removed as it was getting larger. I have felt like a completely different person since then. I forget, can't focus, stay cold, headaches, very tired all of the time, can't sleep, leg cramps, serious hair loss, just don't care really. I feel as though I am becoming dumb over time. I take 175 mg of synthroid, weight 135lb, Dr. exclaimed that was high for someone my size? weigh is not and has never been an issue for me. I believe Synthrroid is causing some of these problems. I want to stop taking it, however I can't find a Dr. That seems to know what is going on. They just keep upping the synthroid??? Looking for a natural substitute to help me get back to the old me. I dont even take cild medicine. I don't know what my levels are anymore just got tired if going to the Dr and nothing being done.
Wondering About Supplements for Hypothyroid Condition Lauren (Queens, Ny) on 05/26/2013
Hey Ec... Happy Memorial day to everyone.... Quick question guys... Anyone heard of these products for hypothyroid? T-100, GTA Forte, Spectra 303T and Thyrostim. I was reading a book recently that listed these supplements and since I am trying without success to get off meds, I was thrilled to find something that I have never tried or even heard of. Please anyone who has tried these, I would love to hear your comments. Thanks guys...
Fluoride and the Thyroid Leah (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/30/2013
Hello all, I have just rediscovered why low thyroid is becoming a major problem. It's the fluoride in tap water, juice, tea, wine, tooth paste etc that supresses thyroid and can cause a long list of chronic illnesses. It was actually originally used to lower thyroid in people who produced too much, therefore if you have too little, you need iodine and to avoid fluoride. Please see the Fluoride Action Network for facts and studies and in the mean time only drink and eat non-fluoridated water and foods! Http:// filters cannot remove fluoride. You need ideally acess to a spring or to install a reverse osmosis water filter in your home if you live in a fluoridated community. I highly recomend you try to get fluoride out of your water at the local level.
Remedies Needed for Hyper-Functioning Thyroid Nodules Tbird (Louisville, Ky) on 12/16/2011
Has anyone had experience with hyper- functioning thyroid nodules. Possibly Plummer's disease. I am at the point of either surgery or radiation. I would really appreciate any successful stories of healing such naturally. Thank you in advance.