Knitted Hat for Sinus Congestion

5 star (1) 

Dianec (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 01/31/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello I submitted the sinus help regarding accupressure and sinus rinse about a year ago! For a week now I have had very little problem with my decade long sinusitis nightmare. While the accupressure and sinus rinse helped this is what is working for me about 100%. I HAVE BEEN WEARING A WARM CAP ON MY HEAD DAY AND NIGHT AND I HAVE NOT HAD ANY PROBLEM WITH MY SINUSITIS! I'M NOT KIDDING! So far the draining, spitting, and post-nasal drip have stopped. It seems keeping my head warm keeps my sinuses normal! Try it and see if it works for you! Such a simple thing has me back to normal.I have been wearing a large green knitted cap that covers my entire head.Thanks Diane
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