Epsom Salt, Oregano Oil for Rash

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Teeg (Luray) on 07/26/2016:
1 out of 5 stars

My dear husband has a rash. Can anyone tell me what to try? He has several places that have broken out. Behind his knee and on the top of his foot it looked like poison ivy at first. Blistery, then crusty. When he washes, the blisters open and look bloody (not bleeding out, but you can see blood on the skin surface below the blister). It's been several days now, and the area is looking bruised under the crusty blisters--like a real reddish bruised area. This rash came after the first spot I saw, which was on the bottom of his foot. (all are on the left side). He was taking off his socks and I saw a round, reddish spot. Took a look and it had several blisters in it, looked pussy.

So, I had him soak in epsom salts and then we applied oreganol to the bottom of his foot. He said, oh, put some on top because it itches. The bottom of his foot blisters opened up, looked like a regular blister, except that he had a new red spot with a pussy spot in it. Later, he got even more. No pain. The rash on the top of his foot and behind his knee itches and we thought it was shingles, but no pain.

The dr gave him a cortisone cream, but he hasn't opened it yet. Today, because the upper rashes look so inflamed, I had him just put on vit e oil. Anything else we should try?

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