Dr. Bharti Protocol for Psoriasis Treatment

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Dr Bharti (Gokhle Marg, Lucknow, Up, India) on 12/24/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Dear readers,

I have been treating psoriasis for last 8 years in my clinic. To all my patients the following treatment has helped greatly. Majority of them clear within 3 to 4 months.

Try out the following and inform the results:

I start with kidney cleans, liver cleans, colon cleans and heavy metal cleans. Patients are prescribed to take 300ml mixed raw vegetable juices (any 4 to 5 types of vegetables of different colours can be mixed).

Elimination diet:

Patients are advised not to eat: milk products in any form, wheat, corn, soyabean, refined oils, vegetable oils, fast food, junk food, cola drinks, alcohol and smoking.

Fewer intakes of salt and sugar are also advised.

Powder of Ashwagandha (freely available on health food stores) 5grams in the morning and evening.

Concentrated solution of Wheat Grass juice in Giloye juice (can be prepared or purchased) acts as a good immunomodulator.

Multivitamins with zinc in high concentration (upto 200 mg/day)

Stretching exercises and breathing exercises along with proper sleep. This makes the full prescription.

Majority patients respond to this holistic approach within a month. Erythrodermic type of psoriasis, psoriasis since birth and very old patients with more than 30 years of disease respond poorly to this approach ( reason is not known)

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