Postpartum Depression

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Frankincense Essential Oil Lifted Postpartum Depression

Melanie (Mountain City, Tn) on 05/20/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I was 10 months into a bout of postpartum depression when I accidentally stumbled across Frankincense essential oil. I was testing it out before using on my granddaughter to treat vaccine induced seizures. The first time I applied it (3 drops, neat), I became light-headed and tired and knew something was happening. Within 2 hours of the initial application, I felt so good that I applied more. Within 4 days, the weight of the depression lifted! For about 4 more weeks, I practically bathed in the stuff because it made me feel so good. It is now 7 months later, and I apply 3 drops about 1x/week because it has so many therapeutic properties that I treat it like a supplement. While I can't say it's a cure-all, it's pretty close. By lifting the "weight" of the depression, I was then able to tackle my Vit D deficiency and I now am tackling my iodine deficiency. I never in a million years would have expected a condition so mysterious to be so debilitating, but it is, and recovering requires baby steps.
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Postpartum Remedies and Tips

Misha (Binghamton, Ny) on 03/31/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all,

I had a baby about a year ago and have struggled with terrible PPD (albeit undiagnosed by a medical professional). At times, I was borderline suicidal. Although I never sought formal treatment, I would still encourage others to seek help (and early) on to avoid the suffering I had.

Through much trial and error, and time I suppose, I have developed a protocol that has helped me tremendously.

One issue I encountered was that although I lost most of the baby weight after my pregnancy within about 6 months, I gained back about 20 lbs because I was so down all I wanted to do was eat.

Now I track my calories in an online app and have cut out soft drinks and most junk foods. I try to eat fresh foods and whole grains and cook at home.

What has made the biggest difference in my weight loss effort has been implementing an eating schedule. In the fitness community, it is known as "Intermittent Fasting". Basically, I eat only between the hours of noon and 8PM. It sounds extreme, but believe me, it has significantly reduced my cravings for bad foods and it has helped me to get my appetite under control. I have lost 11 lbs this month just from these changes and it doesn't feel that bad at all. I feel satisfied when I eat. This food schedule may not work for all women so if you start feeling super sluggish, very cold, or overly hungry you might need a bigger window to eat while trying out this way of eating.

If you have a super sweet tooth like I did, you have to cut out the sugar nearly cold turkey to reduce the cravings. I find that the more sugar I eat, the more I want and crave it. Natural sugars found in fruits are fine and have not impeded my progress. Stay away from sweeteners I.e. Stevia, sucralose, aspartame, etc. I still use one tsp of sugar in my coffee because every other sweetener has affected me negatively. Stevia caused my periods to stop and sucralose gave me hives for the two years when I used it!!!! Not even the allergist could figure out that sucralose was making me itch and breakout!!!

I tried Ashwaghanda to balance my adrenals and calm my anxiety but found it made me angry and gave me daytime sleepiness, though many others say it helps them. Although I do not take this anymore, I thought it was worth mentioning.

Coffee no more than once a day!!! Believe me, I LOVE coffee but too much makes your body feel like it is in flight or fight mode which is not good while tackling postpartum hormones and nerves!

I currently take about 2,000 mg in Vitamin D daily;

A hair skin and nails formulation with biotin and msm to counteract the hair loss;

A high quality fish oil 1400 mg;

Magnesium 250 mg to help me relax and sleep at night. They say Magnesium is depleted in new moms and I have found that I sleep like a log when I take it.

When I remember I throw in a little B-Complex too.

I credit the Fish Oil and Magnesium for making the biggest difference in how I feel.

Alternating warm and very cold water at the end of your showers helps to tone up your problem areas, along with using a coffee ground salt scrub on your tummy, thighs, etc.

It is not easy being a new mom, especially if you are a stay at home mom and it is just you and baby. Physically and mentally you are beat up and I think the key to living to fight another day is to ask your creator to give you patience and strength, not only for yourself, but for your little one. Take a moment each day to get out in nature (with your baby if possible) and reflect on the positives you have in your life while getting a bit of exercise in the form of an easy walk.

Warm hugs to all moms struggling! You too can get through this!

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Soy Milk for Postpartum Depression

Jewel (Stanwood, Washington, United States) on 10/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I accidently came upon this cure after having my third child. I had suffered severe postpartum depression with my first and second children to the point where I was barely able to leave the house for months. With my third, I realized right away that she was intolerant of dairy and because I was breastfeeding I switched to organic soy milk. The fog of depression had just started but when I started drinking soy milk, I noticed that on those days I felt like myself. I didn't connect the two until I talked to my counselor about it and she brought up the fact that soy has natural estrogen and so unknowingly I was balancing my hormone levels. I continued to drink it as needed and have not dealt with post partem depression at all since. I hope this helps someone.
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Apple Cider Vinegar Use During Nursing for Weight Loss

Duddu (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) on 09/07/2012

I want to lose all my baby weight. I want to know whether is it safe to take ACV to lose weight while breast feeding? please help me with clear answers.
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Breastfeeding and Krill Oil

Sp (Gc, Ci) on 09/06/2012

Is it ok for a nursing mother to consume fish oil or krill oil. This would be in addition to consuming probiotics (in the form of sauerkraut) and extra virgin coconut oil. Especially want to know if these combinations will cause any problems to the mother or the baby. Thanks.

Need Help for Infected Episiotomy

Kuljeet Singh (Khamanon, Punjab) on 10/18/2011

After delivery, doctor put three stitches three times which has become infected by pus. Please tell me fast reliever and antibiotic.

Remedies Needed for Post-Partum Insomnia

Natalia (North Royalton, Ohio, Usa) on 04/26/2010

Hello, I am 29 years old. I had a baby in December of 2009. About a month after delivery, I developed insomnia. It started out gradually then increased to me being able fall asleep from 5am until 7am, only. Some days I only sleep 1 hour, 7-8am. This has been going on for the past 3 months. I take stress B vitamins, multivitamins, a Stress care product for energy and adrenal support (contains ashwagandha, licorice root, holy basil, shatavari root, gotu gola, etc.), vitamin D3, Rhodiola, and a naturopathic insomnia medication. I have been going to a chiropractor and he has re-aligned my pelvis. He believes that I have a major hormone imbalance post pregnancy. I have never had sleep issues before. I can't even take naps. I have no sleepiness. He is trying to crack my upper back to get the adrenals to work and balance my hormones. Is there something else that I can do to help balance my hormones post pregnancy. I am in need of help. Please write back!

Thank you,


Postpartum Depression: Remedies Needed

Rawan (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 05/31/2009

Hi, please could you advice about good remedies for mood swing? I am 33 years old woman and after my baby was born (20 months) till now I am having mood swings sometimes. Feeling down and close to depressed mood also fatigue and lethargy. Clinically all tests were done and did not show any problem. please advise!

Postpartum Muscle and Nerve Issues - Remedies Needed (New Page)

rawan (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 05/31/2009

Hi, I noticed after I delivered my baby something wrong with my muscles and / or nerves!

When I hold my son sleeping in my arms and he is just one year old and keep him for a while after put him down I feel tremors in my arm, it usually happens when we carry heavy shopping bags but never happen in this situation!

Also I bought a yoga CD so I can do some activities at home, I did the first lesson wonderfully but the second after few days was not OK, it needs some bridge movement which put load on your arms and after I finished I was all weak and shaking it last for a while then back to normal!

what's wrong with my muscles? I went to neurologist because I was scared from any disorder and he told me that I am fine!

Also from time to time I feel like tremor in my body and hands but without seeing it by eyes!

What is the relation between whats happening and baby delivery? any deficiencies?

I am taking multivitamins.