Violet Extract, L-Lysine for Perioral Dermatitis

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Yorkshire Pudding (Helena, Mt) on 12/13/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

I wanted to share with other Perioral Dermatitis suffers what helped me to resolve my skin issues. I found an obscure blog on Cure-zone almost 9 years ago from a couple of sufferers who healed themselves by using violet extract on their lesions, and safely on their lips. I used a well known herb pharm brand. It began to work!

I also used Lysine- I caution readers that Lysine is a secretagogue, an amino acid that can increase human growth hormone...which is good, but still keep your doses down because hormones are powerful. I was told this condition was a type of Rosacea, so I found that by adding anti-yeast remedies like adding a fouth of a teaspoon of borax or so in approximately 1 cup warm water and applied topically cools the skin down wonderfully. I also use an aloe /neem gel to follow...great hydration on my skin, but not for everybody (some relatives reported redness). I also use a very gentle glycerine oatmeal soap, or even just my neem gentle formula shampoo dusted lightly with borax - which is great in your hair!

But I would encourage users to change their diets too - ACV, probiotics, maybe a good yeast cleanse formula. My face has been clear except I still have the Rosacea in my eyes, so I use the much diluted - an eighth of a teaspoon or less, in a cup of water to flush them clear... much relief! Hope this is helpful... Best of luck!

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