Sulfur for Perioral Dermatitis

5 star (1) 

Shelly (Shickshinny, USA) on 02/08/2024:
5 out of 5 stars

I swear I’ve used everything for this! For me, using zinc soap, allowing de La Cruz sulfur to sit on my skin for 15 minutes, and following up with prosacea has been working great for me.

I believe mine was caused from changing my CPAP mask to a memory foam type mask. Along with taking zinc 25 mg. The sulfur smells bad, but it’s cleared my skin very well.

I’ve tried ACV, grapefruit seed oil (and capsules), zinc paste (which worked ok, but didn’t take care of it) oreganal, primcrolamus, metronidazole, ketoconazole, Azelaic acid (made it worse), calendula, ivermectin gel, aloe Vera, Maura honey, Aleppo soap, and doxycycline. By far, the sulfur helped me the most, along with the prosasea. None of these worked.

I used the regimen above morning and night, for about a month now. The zinc cream worked very well to take redness and flakiness away but moved on to sulfur, as it worked better for me. I really hope this helps someone suffering with this. I’ve had perioral dermatitis for a year, and will be taking no more prescriptions!!!!!!

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