Grapefruit Seed Extract for Perioral Dermatitis

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Cindy (AZ) on 03/09/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Update: As I said below I am taking Grapefruit seed extract but I noticed the rash wasn't gone(although way better) but I had it flare after drinking some wine. So I started mixing 15 drops of the extract with a Tablespoon of water and after washing my face with just clear filtered water, I dabbed this on 3 times a day for the last three days. The rash is 95% gone and even the redness is too! I have a tiny bit of dryness. My eyes aren't swollen anymore and I just cannot believe it! I am going to continue the capsules and probably a few days of dabbing it on around my eyes and mouth!! It truly is a miracle! Thanks for reading!

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Cindy (Prescott, AZ) on 03/03/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi all, let me just say THANK YOU for this information, this website and the validation for how hard this PD is. I've had it for 5 months. It started around my nose and mouth and now around my eyes. I tried essential oils, coconut oil etc..6 days ago I read here about GSE and I have been taking 250 mg 3 times a day. I have not used it on my face. I stopped using soap and just use cool filtered water. I got rid of all products with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. I've had flouride free toothpaste for many years. Since there is flouride in the regular water, I don't let it touch my face. The rash is gone!!! I saw a difference in 2 days! I am now left with dry patches that are hardly even pink. I am now reading what to use for those patches and what to use as a moisturizer. I am 64 and live in a dry climate and it has been hard not to moisturize for months. Thank you so much for this website and all of you who posted your stories! You saved my sanity, literally!
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Melanie (Kansas City) on 02/13/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

My family has been using GSE internally for the winter and it has kept us healthier than in the past. Little did I know I could use GSE for my Perioral Dermatitis that I was diagnosed with a few years ago. In 2 years I've had about 4 flareups...nasty ones...unbearable itching and burning, fire on my face! I get it around my nose, mouth and eyes. In the past I didn't know better and did a few rounds of antibiotics (Doxycycline) and Elidel cream from the dermatologist.

We all know those are bad for the body and dont work long term so I tried several natural things that only made the POD rage. I was in tears just last night, praying so hard for guidance. I was led to this page! I'm so very thankful for everyone sharing on this topic. As tired as I was, I got out of bed and starting making mixtures of GSE to put on my face and to drink. I mixed 20 drops with 1TBSP of distilled water and put in a clean dropper bottle. I put drops on a cotton ball or qtip and dab on affected areas. I am also drinking 4oz of distilled water with 33 drops of GSE 4 times a day. I concocted a facewash so I wouldn't have to use moisturizer (i dont wear makeup) so I could let this stuff dry out, peel and heal. I just mixed up some organic coconut flour, Himalayan salt, organic acv, fresh lemon juice, about 50 drops of GSE and distilled water. To my surprise, it worked more than beautifully! My face after just one dose of these things at 11pm last night is 85% better today with no bumps, itch or fire! I'm so darn excited to see how this plays out going forward.

Thank you for this post and for the comments. We can beat this stuff guys! GSE is the answer to my prayers! Take care!! ♡

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Littlewing (Boston) on 03/08/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

It started with what I thought was a pimple a bit below the corners of my mouth, both sides, more than a month ago. I used hydrogen peroxide, it bubbled. I tried grapefruit seed extract drops (it itches!!! ), I tried apple cider vinegar. I felt like I was just keeping it from getting worse, it wasn't getting any better. Then I read on here about he grapefruit seed extract capsule so I ordered them. I started taking them less than two weeks ago and my rash/red sores are almost gone. I have been putting calendula salve on it day and night as well, but the pills helped the most. If you have this persistent problem, please try them. I take 500mg twice a day. It works!!
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Zsolt (Budapest, Hungary) on 02/29/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

I had contracted perioral dermatitis about 8 months ago, presumably drinking juice on a walking tour form a contaminated glass in a restaurant.

First I tried about 25 different creams, herbal oils and remedies, tetran cream, various teas and gels - all without success. Some of them slightly improved the condition but far from healing. Then I found a box of Dalacin (antibiotic), which seemingly healed my face in a few days. But after about a week the inflamation returned and even propageted up to my scalp.

After that I have taken Doxycycline (200 mg/day) for 7 weeks. The inflamacion stopped completely after about a month, but I continued the treatment. After 7 weeks I stopped the Doxycycline but about one month later the perioral dermatitis returned once again, extending up to my eyes. I started Doxycycline once again, but this time it only somewhat improved the inflamacion and could not stop it any more.

Reading your website I tried apple ceader viniger, but it did not improved much of my problem either.

Then I tried grapefruit seed extract in en alcoholic extraction. And than the miracle happened. In just 3 or 4 days all my leasiond skin pealed off and healthy skin appeared everywhere. It was 2 months ago but I was completely cured in about a week. I used the grapefruit seed extract on my skin 3-4 times a day and also took 15 drops in tea 3 times a day. It caused some nausea first, but later it stopped.

Well, I am now completely cured, however I still use the grapefruit seed extract nowadays as it seems to provide overall beneficial health effect.

I would suggest the use of grapefruit seed extract for everyone having perioral dermatitis because it brought about a miracle for me.


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Jdolan (Wyoming, Mn) on 02/27/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

SO thankful for Earth Clinic. I have had annual Perioral Dermatitis outbreaks for thirty years around my mouth. Have tried remedy after remedy always ending up at the dermatologist with it out of control and being told there is no cure. Grapefruit Seed Extract internally and topically cleared it up within 5 days. I have continued to take 15 drops daily and apply before bed. Completely clear for 6 months. Added benefit, GSE makes me feel less fatigued and better overall. Thank you all for sharing. I am overjoyed!
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Erinrebecca (Fennville, Michigan, USA) on 01/27/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi. I have been using Earth Clinic for about a year now, but just became a member because I had to share my experience with curing my POD [perioral dermatitis]. I first had POD about 11 years ago, at that time I was treated by a derm with a course of antibiotics. It went away, but I have had occasional "chin spots" crop up throughout the years. They were never anything horrible, I just used cover up and eventually they would fade and go away.

About 3 months ago, I had a chin flare, plus my skin was just looking horrible, spotting, redish, a little acne, DRY, etc. I had some tazorac cream from a few years past that I had used for acne, and it worked beautifully then. So, I started the treatment, which is intense (it's basically topical Accutane. ) Over the last 3 months of using Tazorac, my POD gradually got worse and worse. By the day. It spread from my chin, to my nasal folds, up my cheeks, too the outer edges of my eyelids... Typical POD locations. It hurt, burned, was dry, was red and bumpy, WAS AWFUL.

I will add here, that I have been cleansing my face for about 15 years with Cetaphil, and washing my hair daily with Suave clarifying shampoo. Both have SLS as their 2nd ingredient...

4 days ago, it flared HORRIBLE. I immediately stopped the Tazorac treatment and started searching the internet for a (non-antibiotic) cure.

I researched... And went to my favorite health store and bought... Grapefruit Seed Extract (bought both liquid and pill form) Rosehip Seed Oil, Vitamin E oil, and a sulfate free shampoo. I already had coconut oil, tea tree oil, and a carrier oil BLEND of grapeseed, sweet almond, apricot kernal with aromatic essentail oils added...

So, on night 1, I stopped washing with Cetaphil. I cleansed my face with plain water and gently rubbed with a washcloth. I washed my hair with the new shampoo and shaved my legs with pure coconut oil instead of body wash or shaving cream.

On night one, the POD was worse than ever... Bright red spots, dry flaky areas, my eyes lids were affected, my face looked like hamburger. After my shower, I slathered straight GSE all over my face. Immediately, I felt nothing, but after about 2 minutes it began to burn. I wanted this to work, I left it on... Over the course of about 20 minutes, my face was burning, itchy and I felt like I wanted to scratch it off. It felt like fire. I finally rinsed off the GSE, gently rubbed in some coconut oil. My face was FIRE red at this point. I went to sleep.

When I woke the next morning, (day 2) the POD had IMPROVED by at LEAST 50%!!! I was thrilled. I could see, however, that I had actually burned my skin with the straight GSE. But, I didn't care, the POD was *maybe* going away!

Day 2. morning before shower. treated face with melted coconut oil with a few drops of GSE added. The coconut was soothing, and I could feel the GSE tingling a little, but nothing compared to the night before. In the shower, I exfoliated gently with plain water and a washcloth. Out of the shower, I moisturized with coconut oil. Day 2 night, I treated face with the same coconut oil/GSE mix. Rinsed off after about 20 mins, and went to sleep.

Next morning, skin was SOOO dry, flaky, but the POD spots were less red and less raised, overall another improvement from before, lets say I was 60% better.

Day 3. repeat all of day 2.

Morning of day 4. Face is 75% better! there is less flakiness, the red spots are still fading, and the bumps are less pronounced.

Day 4. Before shower, I used the diluted GSE and coconut oil. Then, I wanted to wash my face with something more soothing than plain water, so I made a oil and sugar scrub. (I know, apparently sugar is bad for POD, but I have used the scrub in the past and loved it. ) It has my carrier oil blend, white sugar, baking soda, and lemon juice. It felt good to wash with this, and when I got out of the shower, my face seemed glowy. Then, I treated my face with some drops of Rosehip seed oil and 3 drops of tea tree oil. This had an odd burning/cooling affect and my face got a *little* red in the moments after I used this. I was so afraid I had undone all the healing. But, after a few minutes (basically when the Tea Tree smell had faded) my face calmed down... And LOOKED GREAT. I put my normal makeup on, and I looked good. Now, if you look close at my skin, you will still see some small bumps and quite a few flakes, but the redness of the POD is 85% gone!

Oh, I have also started on ACV. 4tsp mixed in a 16oz glass of water, once a day... I know the benefits of ACV, and try to take it daily, but now I will be religious with it, if it helps keep the POD away.

I hope this post helps someone with POD. It's a horribly humiliating rash, painful, and stubborn...

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Daffodil (Seattle, Wa) on 12/29/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had this POD for several months now, and I believe that it resulted from use of hydrocortisone creme. For awhile my skin was just very red, I was busy and mostly ignored it or covered it up with makeup. Then I got very stressed out... And the POD flared big time.

I believe that it became infected, and I went to the doctor. She put me on antibiotics (trimethoprim). It cleared things up, but as soon as the course was over, it started to come back. She then put me on doxyclycline. Again, it started to clear it, but then I started getting the red rash again while I was still taking the antibiotics.

Then I started taking GSE and it is almost totally clear in just a few days. I am taking about 4 tablets (125 mg each) daily. People keep saying that GSE tastes terrible, but with the tablets you don't taste it at all. I got a bottle of the liquid stuff but never even got a chance to use it topically as the POD cleared up after taking GSE orally.

I also went to the store and got blueberries, rasperries, carrots, red peppers, radishes, etc. Apparently when the body is too acidic it causes all sorts of problems, and to make it more alkaline you need to eat mostly (80%) fresh, raw fruits and vegetables (preferably green leafy stuff). It is hard to eat this way, but I was desperate, and I figured I had nothing to lose by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. I also cut out alcohol and sugar, which apparently also cause the body to be very acidic. Stress also causes the body to be acidic, but is not as easy to eliminate.

I also got rid of my fluoride toothpaste and all the unnatural soaps and lotions in my bathroom. I use shea butter to moisturize. I've also used an antiseptic healing creme with zinc oxide- I took a couple days off of work to sit at home with this white stuff on the rash. It's very soothing and promotes healing.

Thanks to all the other posters on here... I can leave the house now.

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Suzanne (Austin, Texas) on 12/07/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

My five-year-old has had Perioral Dermatitis for four months now. We removed all products which contained flouride and SLS as the dermatologist suggested this could be the cause. We simultaneously tried three different topical prescriptions, (including an oral antibiotic) which only caused the PD to worsen. When the PD started spreading rapidly to her eyelids, I knew I had to ditch the dermatologist.

First, I purchased kefer and a strong probiotic which she happily consumed. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar, but unfortunately it made her PD bright red and painful. Afterwards to calm the skin down I put California Baby calendula cream on it, which really helped her skin a great deal; her perioral bumps were barely visible. I then decided to try the Grapefruit Seed Extract diluted in a 2tbsp of water. The first time I applied GSE to her face I only used 5 drops. The affect this had on her face made me so happy! I did this three times the first day of starting GSE. Her skin improved so much this first day. Once the diluted GSE dried upon her face, I slathered on calendula cream. The next morning I could not believe how much my daughter's skin had improved. It has been four days now since I started using the GSE, and her skin is now completely bump-free! Her skin does have a few tiny areas with dry patches, which I have been treating with Lorasone Cream (homeopathic), as I think it does a better job healing her skin than the calendula cream. She is still consuming probiotics, and kefer on a daily basis.

I can't say the PD is cured though, as I can still see the white ring of skin around her mouth that is visible on people who are afflicted with Perioral Dermatitis. Other than the white ring, the only sign of perioral dematitis she has left is a little bit of dry, pink skin. Although I believe the probiotics are definitely beneficial I truly feel the GSE and Lorasone are what brought the dermatitis under under control for her. By the way, I gradually increased the amount GSE I put in the water to blot her face with. I hope this helps someone!

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Alex (San Francisco, California) on 10/26/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hear ye, hear ye... GSE is it!!! Plus a few essential changes to one's daily routine and I guarantee little pain and optimal results. This is my first post of any kind on any website. I looked at this website for answers and am most grateful to those who have previously contributed. I had Peri Dermatitis for what seemed like forever (over 2 years) - the worst itchy, flaky, embarrassing flared skin all around my mouth, too the point where I didn't want to be seen in public. Now I am cured - so, down to the basics!!

Rules to follow:-

Everyone here probably already knows this but never ever take any form of steroid cream. It will make your life even more miserable.

Never use soap to wash your face as it strips away your natural oils that protect the skin (GSE shall now be your cleanser) You can combine this with another astringent ie. witch hazel, though the alcohol might burn a little.

Never wash face using hot (or even warm) water - this is also the cause of flaky scalps (just FYI)

Follow the instructions on the GSE bottle, dilute moreso if it feels uncomfortable. It is highly concentrated so a little goes a long way.

Use GSE as both a facial cleanser and take internally (most bacterias first form in your intestines, so you need to kill it there first and foremost). Get over the taste, it's better than flaky itchy skin.

Use coconut oil as a moisturiser

Be patient and stick with the program (will take around 2 weeks)

Try to avoid caffeine, spicy foods, hot showers, alcohol ... at least during the recovery period.

Do strive to eat better and exercise more. It can't hurt.

There...that's it in a nutshell. Pretty simple really. I wish you all well, wish I'd had this info in the beginning.

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