Pancreatic Cancer

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Hydrogen Peroxide

Monsterhippy (Dallas, Tx/USA) on 01/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

My wife was in the hospital before thanksgiving and they supposedly found a 3cm mass on the head her pancreas. But since we do not have medical coverage and they also would have determined this a pre-existing since she has Hepc also. We have put her on the H2O2 therapy about 5 days now and it seems her color is coming back and she is able to do things without getting sick and throwing up. Also the pain in her gut is gone and she is starting to eat quite well now. She also has less depression and a better since of well being.

If this truly is healing her like we believe the pharmacutical companies and doctors should be ashamed of what they are putting people through in the name of cash revenue.

These are God's miracle healers.

God bless you all at earthclinic.

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Algae for Pancreatic Cancer and Other Health Issues

Reenie (Canada) on 01/28/2021
5 out of 5 stars

For recent readers asking for help I would have them and Earth Clinic consider for their Algae to help strengthen the body in order to help it through the illnesses. The Algae has been proven to heal Pancreas Cancer so it may help a lot of other issues for them. I used it for general health improvement and felt like a new person again.
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Dr. Berkson Protocol for Liver and Pancreas Issues

Robert (Bolivia) on 08/17/2016

Friends: The best treatment for liver and pancreas diseases, including cancer, are:

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Selenium
  • Low Dose Naltrexone
  • Milk Thistle

Dr Berkson in Las Cruces, NM is obtaining incredible results with up to 90 per cent remission on advanced pancreatic cancer. Google dr berkson alpha lipoic acid you will be amazed...

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Cancerous Tumor on Pancreas

Franniekins (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 05/15/2012

Can you help me? I am looking for a diet (any starch or any kind of sugars or raw honey or meat for pnet tumor/cancer that has metastacized to the abdomen. I have a tumor on the pancreas. My condition is similar to Steve Jobs from Apple.

I am also eating the blended cottage cheese with flax oil and crushed flax seeds (freshly grounded) Also digestive enzymes and vitamins.

I refused any hospital treaments. I asked for three months of my own therapy and then?

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Information for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Pcal (Bremerton, Washington) on 01/14/2012

This is a little old but might be helpful for pancreatic cancer sufferers.