Trigger Points for Herniated Disc

5 star (1) 

Kelitababy (Yucaipa, Ca, Usa) on 10/10/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

After having had a herniated disc in C7 of my neck, my throat was feeling like I had a pill stuck in it. I found out by accident that it is all due to triger points in the muscles in the neck and there is lots of new information online about triger points and how to relieve them either by a trained massage therapist or do it yourself with online help. My relief came after 15 minutes of a specially trained massage therapist gave me a neck muscle treatment in a chair and the lump in the throat was gone and I felt better than I had in 6 months. Totally amazed me and I started researching trigger points online. So Happy now.
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