Multiple Remedies for Eczema

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Dilesh (New Malden, England, Uk) on 08/15/2011:
4 out of 5 stars


This is my first ever post about my eczema. I have been suffering since 9 and am now 31 years old. Ive seen every kind of doctor, a psychiatrist, chinese herbalist, ayurvedic and a portugese specialist, to no avail. I guess I gave up. Over the last 3 years I have been fighting a real battle, at times wishing I was not alive. However, I have learned there is fundamentally something wrong inside, I tried giving up the steroid creams and using oils like Neem, Tea Tree, Borage, Vit. E and others but, was continually shedding dead skin, and what I thought was meant to happen using oils, only dried my skin out even more and had to deal with waking up in a sea of skin every morning.

Around 3 months ago I stumbled upon Apple Cider Vinegar, and started taking baths, immediately my skin was closing up the wounds and I was on my way, however, it still didnt stop the itching. Great after scratching but, the eczema was not clearing up.

Next step, my diet, now I try to eat only Fresh & Natural, nothing out of a tin, no fruit juices, etc I have learned that Seb Derm on face is caused by fungal and found that mixing ACV and soda bicarb with water and spraying it on then showering gets rid of the fungus

The worst thing about my condition is when my face got all white from skin cells flaking off and dry scales appearing on my face and nothing would take it away. I can only dread what people would think when they saw me.

For the past 2 months I have gone on a very strict diet, of eating fruits in the morning and throughout the day, eating dates, nuts. I do eat canned tuna or sardines as I need the protein for the gym, though have been told to stop this also.

In the morning I drink Aloe Vera and Amla juice mixed with water and before bed.

Also taking Guduchi pills twice a day, however, I researched further and found that taking Vitamin B can help, B3, B5, B6, Biotin, Acidophilus and vitamin D. The main issue with B6 is that it makes me itchy for 20 minutes, though, it is definitely doing something and found that taking the B vitamins allows me to sleep without scratching.

Apart from my skin geting aggravated, it has started to heal. My skin colour, (brown, Im inidan) is coming back. It used to be a mixture of brown, grey from all the steroids and exposure to sunlight.

My only concern now is where I had Seb Derm on my face, which I'm controling by spraying a mixture of ACV and Soda Bicarb. has cleared but have got open open wounds that itch. Im trying to find a way to close them up, and think Zinc may help. Would love to hear what anyone thinks...

Wish everyone keeps strong and its so easy to give up... But, you can control your eczema and by building up your immune system your eczema can remain at bay... Im still fighting and I wont give up.... God Bless you all....

If theres anyone that wants to discuss further, contact me please on dvyas99(at)

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Karl (Galway, Ireland) on 03/29/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there, I was suffering from this debilitating condition (discoid eczema) for nearly a year. I had being to four doctors two of them "specialists" to no avail. I had to cure it myself which I did in six months. It's a very simple cure really. I experimented with a few different methods but looking back on it now the solution is very simple.

Shower twice a day. After the first shower spray apple cider vinegar to the wounds. Dilute to the amount of pain you can handle. Second shower at night apply shea butter or raw organic coconut oil. Use Dr. Bronner organic soap. Drink about 150 mills of ACV to bring the PH balence of your blood. Then consume Cellfood, Cellfood DNA/RNA, and Cellfood Silica and if you can afford it Cellfood multivitamin as directed daily. Your discoid eczema will be gone in 6 months. I have video evidence to back this up and I will send this to anybody who needs help with this terrible infliction. This is all you need to do people. It will cost $80 a month for six months... But trust me you will have your life back as I thankfully do now. Feel free to ask me any questions.


Anna (Oslo, Norway) on 05/21/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

First I would like to thank the creators of this site and its subscribers. Although not all of the suggested remedies helped me, just finding this site helped me to feel less alone and to decide that a natural remedy was definitely the way I wanted to go. The things I tried that didn't work also led me on to something that did, and without having other people's suggestions to work from, this may never have happened. I developed perioral dermatitis for the first time in my life about 7 months ago. I suspect it may have started because I used steroid cream to treat some facial eczema, however, factors such as moving to a cold, dry climate, lots of stress, and experimenting with different types of face care products probably took their toll as well. Having suffered physically and emotionally for very many years with acne, I was devastated to now have this happen to my face. It took nearly 3 months before I worked out that I had POD and in that time I had taken the usual route of using more steroid cream, only to have the condition return worse than before. To this day my doctor insists that the steroid cream is the best cure, just that I didn't use it for long enough!! Having now done my research, though, I made the decision not to use steroid cream ever again on my face, and also that I would much rather find a natural cure than take antibiotics for several months. Here are the tings I have tried:

1. Got rid of all my old skin care products (even though the ones I was using were organic and for sensitive skin) and found a cleanser and moisturizer designed especially for very reactive skin. At first though, I used only warm water to wash my face.

2. Swapped to fluoride-free toothpaste. I don't know if this made a difference but I still use it because of all the other nasty effects of fluoride I read about along the way.

3. Started taking probiotics. Again, I'm not convinced they helped much with the POD, but I don't think they hurt either and I do believe that part of my problem was related to yeast imbalance.

4. Dabbed apple cider vinegar mixed with warm green tea - about 1 part tea to 2 parts vinegar - twice a day. I did this for 3 weeks. I'm afraid this was not the miracle cure in my case. I think it may have kept the 'rash' contained, but it did not remove it and in the end it was irritating my skin too much. I felt my skin needed and deserved something more gentle.

5. Nappy/diaper cream. They don't sell the Balmex cream in Norway, but I bought another one that contained zinc oxide and calendula cream. This was extremely soothing and settled the irritation. My skin liked it and I saw some improvement. I applied it to the affected areas twice a day, although had to go without on work days where I needed to be around people as it's not a flattering look. In the end, however, I felt that the nappy cream was soothing the problem but not getting rid of the source.

6. I learned from my research on the internet of the theory that POD is fungal in origin. So I had the idea to try an anti-fungal type of agent, but I wanted one that was organic and going to be kind to my skin. I found an Australian company (kind of nice since that is where I am from) that makes an organic anti-fungal/anti-bacterial cream - phytoseptic cream they call it - and decided to try it. I ordered it over the internet and had it sent to me in Norway. Finally I can report that I am currently POD free and have been for several weeks. I applied the cream morning and night - it's green in colour so I applied a thinner layer in the mornings before work - and noticed change within a few days. The cream is very soothing and felt good on my skin. At first I noticed that, though the red bumps were disappearing from where they had been worst originally, I was getting new outbreaks on my lower cheeks. Maybe that would have happened anyway, or maybe the cream had to flush out all the toxins (whatever they were) before killing them. Nevertheless, within 2 months I was bump free. I just have a couple of tiny pink areas around my nose that are not bumpy at all, but given that my skin is extremely fair, are possibly just the shadows of where the POD used to be. Sometimes I get spots that I suspect are pimples but am so nervous about a new POD outbreak that I dab them with the phytoseptic cream. So far no new outbreaks. Although it took 2 months in total, this is at least how long I would have had to be on antibiotics anyway and I am very pleased that I found an alternative that was easy to use and good for my skin. I can't give the brand name here, but if you search the internet using the information I've given I'm sure you'll find the cream I'm talking about. It may not work for everyone, just as the other remedies didn't work for me. In that case, however, it may at least be an idea that leads you on to the product that does work. Good luck!


Teya (Winnemucca, Nv) on 12/06/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello Everyone! I have suffered from Hand Eczema for about one year and have gone though several types of lotions and dr. perscriptions, nothing worked. Then I came across this website!

So I tried some remedies, and they worked! I do this three times a day, in this order: Apply Apple Cider Vinager to hands and let it dry, then apply warm olive oil. Then at night before bedtime, I also soak my hands in chamomile tea. In addition to this I take a dietary supplement, it is a blend of Omega 3-6-9 complex. I found this blend at a grocery store.

My daughter who is 5 years old,recently broke out with eczema on her face. I'm applying the ACV and olive oil 3 times a day. I diluted the ACV, because it was too strong. In the morning before school I just apply a little lotion, so the kids do not make fun of her having oil all over her face. I'm also going to start having her eat half a apple a day. Hopefully this will work for her! And I hope this helps others.


Lynn (Wasilla, AK) on 11/12/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

re: atopic dermatitis aka eczema -- Shortly after giving birth to my first child I developed eczema -- it started on my hands and proceeded to climb up my arms, neck, chest, etc.

5 Months later this is what I found.

1. Figured out on my own that I was reacting to disposable diapers. Switched to cloth and symptoms improved 50%.
2. Allergy test showed allergies to nikel,formaldehyde, and something called Quaternium-15 (formaldehyde-releasing preservative -- this is found in (or a similiar preservativ) in all most all liquid soaps, cleaners, and many cosmetics.

Once I elimanted these things (cloth diapers and compeletely switched to "greener"/natural products) my symptoms have imporved. I'm still having a slight problem and trying to find the final thing I am reacting to. We have figured out it is something in our house. (We just returned from a 3 week trip back home to visit family and the eczema had completly cleared up (except for 2 small outbreaks -- occured after holding my nephew and friends baby and sleeping on sheets that I had not washed in safe detergent!)

Meanwhile I found ACCUPUNCTURE really helped to make the symptons bearable with no side effects (very impoortant since I am nursing. Although it didn't eliminate the symptoms it did relieve horrible parts like patches that had become so inflamed as to become "weeping" or cracked and bleeding. It also helped to manage the itch and burning -- which was welcome relief since I had spent 3 months just trying to ignore it while trying "normal" medicial treatments that didn't work.

Currently we are investigating our water supply.

If anyone has anyother suggestings I'd love to hear them.

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