Hydrogen Peroxide for Earaches

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Glass (Brooklyn, NY ) on 02/06/2009:
1 out of 5 stars



i have a history of ear problems throughout childhood. i havent had any infections or pain in about 15 years, since i was 12-- until now. last week i developed a cold, everyone in my house is sick and coughing, phlegm, congestion, some with fever, you know the deal. winter in new york. i read about hydrogen peroxide in the ear and tried it, it barely even went down, that's how clogged my ears must have been. but i had zero ear pain at all, i have had many sinus infections/ flu / colds over the years, all cured naturally with no spread to ear. 2 nights ago i had a severe earache, for 6 hours i was literally wailing in excruciatng pain. i put in a cap of peroxide 2 or 3 times, it started to feel better when it first when in and as soon as it got deeper the pain was just as bad. i think it's a bad idea to put anything in your ears, especially anything liquid, if you have a history of problems draining fluid or tubes put in as a kid, because that drainage problem can come right back as it did for me. the liquid got trapped in there the other day when i first did it (in attempt to cure the cold) and whatever clogging was there just left the little peroxide with nowhere to drain, and it caused an infection.

yesterday felt a little better when i woke up, but muffled hearing. woke up today with blood and white fluid (some pus?) coming out of ear. i got scared and went to a doctor. i'm pregnant and refuse antibiotics, she said since the pus isn't green, i can try to cure infection myself but still recommended penicillin. i will continue to inhale steam, eat lots of raw ginger and garlic and massage all around the ear (around the outside of ear, all those pressure points especially behind earlobe and a little down the neck) and that could cure the infection. do both ears to prevent spread of infection to other ear. also massage pressure points around nostrils. ACV is great too!!! i swig a few teaspoons mixed with water and cayenne, like 5 times a day when im sick. it's a great sinus reliever and breaks up congestion. turmeric is great too, it's a potent anti-inflammatory. hope this helps.

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Doug (Hartford City, IN) on 01/17/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Ear Ache - Hydrogen Peroxide: I tried about half a cap of Hydrogen Peroxide in my ear. I think only half of that made it in, rest ran down my face. I left it in for a few minutes, until it seemed like the bubbling had started to die down. Ears definitely feel better, clogged sinuses seem clearer also. I felt very dizzy and a little nauseated when doing the second ear, had to lay down on the bathroom floor.
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Navae (Portland, OR) on 12/22/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I use this site as a reference library for all the ailments our family encounters! It has been a lifesaver.

Yesterday i woke up with a horrific earache - it just came out of nowhere. It was making me dizzy and nauseous.

I am a stay at home mom of 3 little boys - i don't have time to be out of commission.

So - i came here as usual and found the Hydrogen peroxide remedy. i poured about a eighth of a cap-full (3 ml), tilted my head and poured it in. It was rather uncomfortable, mainly because of the liquid being in my sensitive ear, and the bubbling.... LOTS of bubbling :) But i don't think it was so bad that i couldn't do it on the kids.

anyway - i did it about once every 2-3 hours totaling 3 times. The last time was right before i went to bed.

I woke up this morning feeling 100%!

**other things i was also doing: GSE and Oregano oil in water to kill it from the inside, and immune boosting herbs. (if you use gse/oregano oil, please look up dosage info first!!!)****

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Kathy (Houston, TX) on 10/17/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Warning: peroxide for ear pain

For some people this may work, but for me Never again. My fiance kept telling me just pour the peroxide in your ear it will feel better. The pain was very bad and I have had this ear rupture before on my from the pressure well I said fine. So i poured just a little in my ear and with in 10 minutes it ruptured and it drained puss and blood out of it. Very gross and expensive. All ways check with your doctor mine told me never to use it again on my ears.

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Dawn (Peoria, IL) on 01/20/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

Ear ache peroxide remedy - I have a nasty sore throat and ear ache and am so glad I found this site. I just drank some hot sauce and honey "tea" which seems to be helping so I braved the hydrogen peroxide drops in the ear. In the past I had severe ear pain after putting drops in my ear, but thought I would brave it this time. Well I was wrong, after the drops got past the outer ear and possibly down farther I had the same excrutiating pain. I tried breathing through it, but no way! What I want to know is - what's causing this pain? I've tried asking doctors, speech paths and an audiologist with no answers. I did have tubes as a child. Anyone out there have an answer?

And I was watching Rachel Ray one day and a doctor on there mentioned using sea salt to cure an ear ache. I thought he said something about making a "heat pack" out of the sea salt and placing it on your ear, but I can't remember exactly. Any clues? I didn't see anything here about sea salt for ear aches. thanks


Genevieve (Haiku, Hawaii) on 01/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to give some feed back on the ear ache remedies.... Can we say fantastic! I used the hydrogen peroxide method. I had tried using basil oil on a cotton ball and sleeping with that in my ear over night. I was in pain most of the night, then in the morning when I took it out it seemed a little better. Im an essential oils buff but when it returned full force I was searching the net and found this web site. I put about 1 teaspoon full in my hear layed on my side so it could do its bubble magic and drained and dried the ear after about 5 min. About an hour or so the paid was gone. I'm shocked it still has the very slightest hurt but nothing like this morning even. Im continuing to feel better as the night progress- so much so I had to take the time write this and confirm it does work even though my sister's swear by warm sweet oil.
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Sandy (In the sticks, Nevada) on 11/24/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

We have been using hydrogen peroxide for years to fight off earaches and colds. My kids and I used to go to the dr. all the time for earaches and end up with a big dr. bill and antibiotics. Then we heard about peroxide. I keep the peroxide in a small glass bottle with an eyedropper. The moment anyone starts to get a sore throat or their ears hurt even a tiny bit, we put one eyedropper full in each ear. Hold the bottle in your hand to warm the peroxide a bit (otherwise it feels like ice water going in) and have the person lie flat on their side. I like to leave the peroxide in until it stops bubbling, but even a few minutes may be enough to help. Drain the peroxide out when you are done and dry the ear thoroughly. A nurse told me that the peroxide would burn a hole through the lining of the ear(Has anyone ever heard of this before?), but we have done this for almost 10 years with no problems.
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Daniel (Spokane, WA) on 09/21/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

First, thank you for the great website--I've been searching for this type of confirmation for several days now. My story is that I use earplugs when I sleep, as I awake easily. About a week ago, I had taken a shower right before bed and dried ears with a towel (no q-tip). The earplug didn't seem to go in as usual (perhaps the wrong angle). The day after, about mid-day, I noticed that my ear was hurting. Two days later I was in a full-blown ear infection. I stopped working a few months ago to do some studies, as such, no money to go to the doctor. I prayed and the Lord said to read a book about hydrogen peroxide that was sitting on my shelf and decided that it wouldn't hurt. So, I put one cap of H2O2 into my ear and let it sit for about 5 minutes. I couldn't hear anything happening, at first. Then the bubbling started. Rather cool. I kept doing this every two to three hours. By the end of the night, the pain (so strong that I really couldn't touch the ear without feeling like I was going to throw up) was 90% gone. After two treatments the following day, there is no longer ANY pain whatsoever. Praise the Lord! Now, I must say that I don't know for certain if my immune system had typed the virus/bacteria by this point, as I had been sick for a few days by the time I started... Regardless, the pain appeared to decrease with each treatment--I thought I was imagining it until the 4th treatment--I then KNEW that there was a difference. By the way, I should mention that I also dried my ear out with q-tips, and then used a warm blow dryer for about 10 minutes after each treatment. Perhaps I had come down with swimmer's ear from using the earplugs on wet ears--drying is important. Anyway, thank God for hydrogen peroxide and a cured ear infection. I am now using 3% in a humidifier, breathing it in for multiple 5 minute sessions throughout the day, and have seen a big difference in my energy levels--very cool. I might add that I have to inhale with my eyes closed...else the stuff irritates my eyes. Pretty cool stuff!
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Linda (miramichi n.b. canada) on 05/21/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a severe chest infection and plugged left ear. After 2 rounds of antibiotics I got better but was left with dizziness and deafness and a ticking noise in left ear. I had lost 50% hearing. That was 2 years ago. I started using h202 in both ears about 1 year ago and noticed right away it cured the ticking and in time no more dizziness. I noticed about 2 months ago. I can hear perfectly in both ears. I am a great believer in hydrogen peroxide.Also my husband and I don't get sick much anymore. Thanks for the great site. linda c. canada
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