Neem Leaves or Oil for Cold Sores

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Otti (Tampa, Florida) on 08/06/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I discovered an awesome natural remedy for any yeast infections and fungus - neem tree see oil. It even works on plants, not just my boyfriend's toe nail fungus. However, the seed oil smells worse than garlic but it is so very strong and powerful. Mixing it with an essential oil can help with that smell. Other neem tree extracts can cure viral infections as well and can be taken orally. I have used the seed oil on my cold sore (mixed with carmex because of the smell) and it stopped the herpes outbreak immediately.
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Louise (NYC) on 01/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking Neem triple potent tincture and apple cider vinegar. I am happy to report 3 months OB-free after 10 years of multi annual OBs!!! Neem is toxic to the herpes virus and I advise everyone to research and try this ancient herb, it absolutely works!!! WWW.NEEM.ORG Try reducing to removing all manufactured sugars (all sweeteners, white/brown sugar, turbinado,corn syrups) and as much stress from your life asap. Herpes LOVES sugar. Herpes hates hydrogen peroxide (food grade) and any other remedies loaded with oxygen.
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Marie (FL) on 09/25/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

A couple years ago the doctor said i had HSV I have a friend who believes in a lot of natural remedies, she told me of Neem leaves she said it cleared up her HPV and she did research that showed it is toxic to certain viruses. I have taken neem and can tell you it does work. Either it really masks the virus from being transmitted or from having outbreaks. since taking it there has been no outbreaks. I have been doing research online and a lot of sites say that it is indeed toxic to the hsv virus. I believe there is a cure out there that they don't want us to know about and i think neem is one of them.
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