Bleach for Cold Sores

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Corrina (AB) on 01/09/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

I do this as well. In fact I started feeling the tingle around 2 this morning. Dabbed a cotton swab with bleach before I went to bed and held it on the very tip of each blister (there were 3 starting) for about 30 seconds each. Did it again around noon (when I woke up) and now it is just after 6pm and all that’s left is a tiny mark from the slightly bigger blister and the other 2 are completely gone.

I just make sure I’m SUPER careful about allowing the tip of the swab to touch ONLY the blister so the skin around it doesn’t burn.

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Fruitful Eden (Or) on 11/21/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

Like Gloria (2009), Bleach worked for me when I have a cold sore a few years back. It made sense that it would kill a virus since that's what it says on the bottle. so I diluted a little bleach and pressed it on there until it stung and then I only had to reapply it a few times because it didn't get any worse after that.
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Stephanie (Calgary, Ab,canada) on 10/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Bleach is dangerous, but if it is applied properly I think it is an extremely effective way to stop a cold store dead in its track.

Use a little with a q tip and press it onto your cold sore for 3 - 5 minutes. Do this at the very first sign of a cold sore coming on and it WILL NOT come out, or grow to be worse. Be very careful not to burn yourself or your lip area. Allow for a little bit of stinging, but know what is too much. Compress with an ice cube after to get rid of the sting. I did this twice the first day I noticed one coming on, and along with Abreva and L-Lysine it was practically gone by day 2 and never got worse.

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Gloria (Plano, TX) on 02/24/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

My son got cold sore, i heard about apple cider vinager, hp (hydrogen peroxide) and all of that store stuff. My co-worker told me about clorox bleach. After trying carmex, and hp, we applied bleach, and every time it stopped burning we applied more. After 3 applications it went away in 30 minutes.
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