Muscle Stiffness Remedies for Muscle Strains

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Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/07/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello HKaren528

You have progressive right back lower muscle pain extending upward over time...

I like all the different suggestions but let me give you another possible one ... well two. If you have not had muscle pain around the body before and assuming your leg muscle strength demonstrates there is no MS or MD issue... My HUNCH is your pelvis is out. Low back right pelvis can emanate upward and pinch the dorsal nerves causing stiffness or spasms up the side of the back. Or if not the pelvis out, there may be some bulging or pinching in the dorsal and that could be causing the same. Stiffness can be a form of spasming. By spasming I don't necessarily mean contractions and release. A spasm can be simply a hardening or tightening.

Here's a test to see if perhaps the vertebrae sublaxation might be causing the muscle tightening.

Lie on your stomach. Have someone who has some upper body strength to press against your beltline (pelvis) with about forty pounds of pressure. As he pushes (basically holding the pelvis as firmly down as he can without pushing through you).... Put your hands under your shoulders and as if you were doing a push up, push gently letting the lower back (vertebrae) come upward while the pelvis is in place. That first push should be just five or six inches and then after staying in that up position and getting used to the pressure, again press upward another inch or two.

Let your helper hold and you hold that posture for fifteen seconds. Repeat if you can. It really feels great for a bad back that is pelvis related tilted to one side.

If you feel some real lower back pain in the pelvis as he is pushing and as you lift up, then it is likely that your problem is a vertebrae curvature/ pinching/spasm issue.

This exercise daily for a week, if you suspect that the lower back might be the cause, should bring substantial release of the muscle spasm within that week. You should not sit on "cushy" couches which cause you to slouch or in cars with little back support.

The point is: You may have this low back problem and never put together the spasm of back muscles but the two might be directly related.

Someone familiar with pressure point therapy could use pressure points to tell in five minutes if the two are related. If you are not familiar with pressure point therapy, the helper, while you are on floor face down, takes his finger and presses gently at first into the area from which pain seems to radiate. I am guessing that the stressed muscle on right back are sore but one place is far more sore than anywhere. Now find that spot, trace the pain, usually along a nerve line. Usually that pain traces to a rib and or vertebrae. Then the helper could press for 30 seconds at about ten pounds of pressure and let up. Repeat twenty minutes later and I've found that the intense pain has reduced by half. Upon finding the "source" you could apply any moisture application topically for further relief. Just discussed on Earth Clinic is the use of cabbage leaf! Or any oil that is known for its healing qualities could be rubbed into the tender area.

Now those were two physiological approaches rather than a nutritional one. (The two are not mutually exclusive, but the relation of back muscle to vertebrae and or rib dislocation and pelvis shift is very very very common.)

One last long shot.... You have a kidney stone. Really this is possible. Sometimes a ks will cause lower right or lower left numb like pain, as if a rib is out. And then instead of turning acute, continues to radiate and as it radiates the muscle is subject to spasm. My favorite remedy is glass of putrefied water with juice of half lemon. Do that twelve times in one day... Total 6 lemons. Repeat for 12 days. Stone should pass in five to ten days. I've gotten rid of four stones in past six years or so. Oh, brush teeth after each glass so citric acid won't harm your teeth.

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Littlewing (Ma, Usa) on 10/06/2013:
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If it is indeed muscle problems, I would highly suggest magnesium oil. It cured my frozen shoulder and I use for my lower back when it's in spasm, it's a lifesaver. Sometimes I apply coconut oil on top of it, they're a great combo. Arnica is good for muscle soreness as well. As long as you've been checked out and it's not something internal, like kidney issues, etc. Do you have a chiropractor you could go to? They could give you a better answer than a regular GP probably. Check out the muscle soreness page here on earth clinic, lots of info there.

Good luck.

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Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 10/06/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Hkaren528,

For your immediate discomfort, raw unpastuerized apple cider vinegar, topically, may help (believe it or not! ) We have seen it help muscle trouble very quickly. You can put it on a cloth and apply it to the uncomfortable place, for a few minutes or even a few hours. Castor oil, topically, is another option. Peppermint essential oil is also a good short term solution to muscle discomfort.

I agree with Ed that alkalizing your body and walking or jogging daily are very important.

There are a number of remedies on the Muscle Ailment page here at Earth Clinic if you haven't seen that yet. I think the Coconut Oil and Blackstrap Molasses would be good places to start.

I would make sure your shoes are not aggravating your back.

If you are even a little dehydrated, your pain will be worse. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water (2 quarts) daily. (Coffee and soda don't count as they will likely aggravate your condition. ) Sugar also tends to increase pain.

Please let us know what helps you. I hope you are pain free soon!

~Mama to Many~

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Ed2010 (Canada) on 10/06/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Acidic body can cause muscle stiffness or can be fibromyalgia. Inactive muscle can cause muscle stiffness as well.

Start with a simple cure. Take Ted's Alkalizing formula 3 times a day. Search for Ted's Alkalizing formula in EC.

Jog or walk for 15 minutes everyday.

Good Health.

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