Turmeric for MRSA

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Don Juan (Westminster, CA) on 01/04/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I was reading about turmeric for boils and MRSA, and had been suffrering back aches nightly, for a month or two. I went as far as buying a new Bed, still the backaches persisted.

Last night, I bought some spice islands turmeric, off the spice isle at the grocery store, and picked up a bottle of CVS brand 1500mg glucosomine tablets Woke up this morning feeling pretty Good, nowhere near the level of Back pain on previous nights I've been experiencing some lumps and pimple like boils under my arm pits lately and had one on my face too I hadn't given it much though, but the boil on my face got me going and I decided to read up using google last night.

Earlier yesterday, I put a Hot compress on my face, and drained that awful boil I knew from previous attemps that it could make it worse, But i went ahead and drained it, and used peroxide by noon I was swelled up pretty good, would you believe this morning the thing is Damn near cleared up, and my Back feels OK for the first time in months I'll follow up after a few days This morning I've made a Tea using the coffee maker I put two constant comment orange pekoe flavored green tea bags into a coffee filter along with a tablespoon of Turmeric powder, and a tablespoon of sugar The tumeric takes some getting used to but the Tea is simply wondeful hate to add sugar but i had too I'm having my scond 12 oz cup of hot green Turmeric tea as I type.


Lori (Reno, NV) on 01/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I live in Reno, NV (prior to this YES, LOS ANGELES) but MRSA is RAMPANT in RENO also!!!) Dr. lanced abscess (boil) which was thought by me to be a spider bite (of course, I can't remember being bitten), I used a heating pad & wet washcloth to draw out the puss.vNow, third boil in 2 months, I read your article, marched my unhappy a$$ into the Dr. and told him how sad it is that I must read the internet to get educated on my condition when he went to school for 10 years. I very nicely expressed that he WILL very PAINFULLY cut me open AGAIN and this time his happy a$$ would culture me for MRSA. Needless to say, I got my way, tested positive for MRSA and am taking Bactrim, have iodoform packing sticking out of my back, have been off work (a healthcare setting) for 8 days. While this is horribly painful, nasty and no fun, in perspective of other diseases in society today, I am dealing. Now, on Turmeric. I am SOLD!!!! I bought ground turmeric on the spice shelf in the store and began drinking it in my tea (I like ground better than capsule form, more in a minute). I experience what could be compared to an expectorant in cough medicine. It allows all bound up bodily fluids i.e. phlegm, mucus, puss from boil etc to DRAIN naturally and quickly. The reason I like the ground turmeric better is because it steeps in the tea and helps with the "draining effect". Lastly, I like the strength of the capsule turmeric better 450 mg. So, my new working remedy is to buy the capsules ($3.00 at Wal-Mart for 450mg), make a hot cup of mandarin orange tea (hides the nasty taste), open capsule = concentrated powder 450 mg = stronger dose = more therapeutic = boil drains TONS more & clears when I do this vs. if I only take antibiotics, hardly anything drains!!

Michele (Easton, PA) on 01/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I wrote in a few days ago, wanted to say that within 3 days this bad infection on the outside of my ear was completely healed as if nothing was there, drank tumeric as directed, avoided taking antibiotics completely. Never ever saw anything like it but I tried it because I had nothing to loose. Amazing! QUESTION - although it is very apparent to me tumeric is wonderful on killing infections and worked quickly has it been proven to kill the MRSA completely in anyone's body or has it just stopped outbreaks?

Michele (Easton, PA) on 12/30/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

got an infection on my ear, concerned because last year took antibiotics for 6 months to cure a mrsa outbreak. within 1 day infection that looked like a beginning of a boil started healing after I took turmeric dr couldn't say if it was the start but he was concerned enough that he wanted to start the antibiotic treatment. Didn't want to take more antibiotics after the large doses to cure my last outbreak. Got cellulitis of my face, after a while it healed and then I immediately got a boil under my arm which was treated for 5 months. Had to get my arm drained 4 times before the staph healed. turmeric is healing whatever it was the beginning of.

Tony (Montreal, Canada) on 12/28/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I'have been fighting boils the last 12 months. 1 after another. I never had them before. Off and on antibiotics, never got rid of them. Tumeric has helped. I'm still a newbie tumeric user. I have been reading about contrails, i wonder if its just jet exaust of all those commercial jets that are multiplying in the skys. Has anyone done a study on the amount of jet fuel by counting the number of flights that are increasing day after day? Perhaps its global warming, even with slight increase in temperatures gives possible rise to the possible spread of deadly bacteria's. I would like the CDC to give the public it works for a possible explanation of this rise in MRSA and other bacterial infections which are obviously exploding throughout our society.

Annette (Elon, NC) on 12/12/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Several months ago my daughter had what we thought was a spider bite on her leg. A few days later while spending the weekend at her grandfathers' the pimple burst and started bleeding. When I got there it was hard and terrible looking, so we took her to the emergency room and discovered later from the culture that is was MRSA. The dr. gave her an antibiotic and it cleared up in less than a week. Well, last week my son discovered a pimple- like sore on his hip and after a few days of neosporin I could tell from the way it was acting that we had another case of MRSA on our hands. However, I was reluctant to go the antibiotic route again since the over-prescribing of antibiotics is a big part of the problem to begin with, so I decided to try the turmeric instead. That was a week and a half ago, and although it is taking longer to work than my daughter's antibiotic did, I'm happy to report that it is clearing up nicely.

Elle (Ventura, CA) on 12/01/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

All my life I have been blessed with clear skin. Approximately 1 1/2 yrs. ago, I noticed a tiny pimple on the left side of my face on the jawline. Thinking that one pull of the hair follicle would help get rid of it faster, it only got worse. As time passed, it kept growing until it reached the size of a dime. It was callous and rough, so I thought perhaps Eczema might be the case (given I have been treated for it in the years prior). It got infected several times over the course of time, and the possibility that it could be Staph came to mind a couple of times. I didn't have medical insurance so I never made the attempt to see a doctor. I just kept hoping that it would just disappear... It didn't and this was depressing; and I mean, I was falling into a severe state of depression. Day after day I would absent mindedly pick at it hoping it would get smaller when in fact, would just get bigger more irritated. It wasn't until recently one evening in particular I felt ill. This lesion on my face was the biggest I had seen yet and sooooo painful. I felt dizzy, feverish, achy. I decided to drive myself to the local emergency room and have it looked at. Thank the Lord Almighty I did! At first I was told it was cellulitis and that I needed antibiotics immediately. So he treated me with an injection as well as an oral that night. He instructed me to come back in two days for follow up. The culture came back as MRSA. He didn't give me specifics on the condition, just told me I was extremely contagious, to keep it covered with clean dressings at all times, and not to be around anyone for a couple of days. As he started to insert the drainage packing he said,"Oh, you have a sebaceous cyst." He fixed me up, I got home, and I did my homework on cysts, MRSA, and boils. Learned a lot, and focused on getting better. As soon as I finished my antibiotics, I got three more cysts (smaller in size) on the other side of my face. I just about lost it. Then... I found this site. I have been praying for God's help and as always, He answered by leading me here. I have been taking 1 tbsp. Turmeric in 1/2 cup of warm water 3 times a day (I saw this in someone else's thread). I am on 4th day and it is working! The infection is clearing up, NO MORE PUS. I am actually healing!. I have also been taking a couple of swigs of Apple Cider Vinegar in the mornings and evenings in which seems to be helping too. I can't believe items such as these are so beneficial! I thank you for this website, it has given me hope! Thank you thank you! Instead of going ballistic, I have gone Holistic!

Chris (Snow Camp, NC) on 10/18/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Turmeric cures MRSA related boils. Turmeric seems to make the boils go away really quickly, and if caught in time, makes them go away without breaking the skin. Thank you for posting about Turmeric on your website. You are helping me (and I am sure many others) greatly reduce the pain and embarrassment of MRSA related boils.
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