Lugol's Iodine for Mold

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Bill (The Philippines) on 09/09/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Epeach...

The Iodine protocol that is recommended for hypothyroid conditions is shown here. This protocol doesn't involve taking just Lugol's Iodine(LI) alone. For this protocol to work properly, you must also insure that you take all the companion nutrients as well. That means that you should also take the following nutrients at the recommended dosages: Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin B2/B3(ATP cofactors) and sea salt. If you don't take these vital companion nutrients when you are supplementing LI then you may well continue having thyroid problems because all these companion nutrients play vital roles as anti-oxidants and co-enzymes in important thyroid process such as absorption of iodine from intestines into the blood, conversion and storage of iodine in the thyroid, generation and production of T3 and T4 in the thyroid etc. You should also reduce dairy in your diet. Excess calcium in the diet inhibits proper iodine absorption into the body.

What might also help your anti-candida protocol would be to add two well-known flavonoids to your regimen. From recent research, these two flavonoids work synergistically together with your immune system to help kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus: quercetin and resveratrol. Supplement both these flavonoids at the recommended dosage twice a day in the morning and evening with meals. And only buy resveratrol that is derived from Japanese Knotweed(e.g. from Gaia Herbs). Do not buy resveratrol that is derived from wine. Resveratrol derived from Japanese Knotweed contains much higher amounts of resveratrol than resveratrol derived from wine.

For information, here is an article on the many amazing benefits of resveratrol:

16 Health Benefits of Resveratrol

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Epeach (Ga) on 09/08/2018:
4 out of 5 stars

Dear Bill from the Phillipines,

I pray that you are able to answer my question. Before posting, I researched this website at length. I have read everything I can find from you on these topics. I highly respect your knowledge and dedication to your own health and the health of others.

I began the Lugol's protocol a little over a year ago. I was suffering with symptoms of Hypothyroidism. I was on an anti-depressant which I stopped shortly after beginning the protocol. I also have included Borax, alkalizing, and ACV, daily.

In the past year, I realized I was exposed to mold at my workplace. I worked there 8 years. I kept reporting sightings and none were addressed and at the time I had no idea I was suffering because of it. I was able to diagnose myself from reading the symptoms you wrote about. I am currently not working due to a back injury that happened while at work. (a blessing in disguise?) I am not taking any prescriptions.

My question is, although, I have seen dramatic results and I am not completely cured, should I up my dose of Lugol's? Occasionally, I will add a few more drops of 2 percent. I include other supplements and remedies I see in your posts and other's, also. I use turpentine, oregano essential oil, cilantro, and thyme essential oil, occasionally..other than the turpentine, I am not aware of how much and how long I should use these remedies. I just ordered chanca piedra and a probiotic and I am waiting for them to come in. I wanted to give myself a year on the Lugol's before I posted this question. If I ever miss my dose, my neck will throb. So, I know my thyroid isn't completely healed.

I have reported my successes here on EC, so far. But, I am still not completely healthy. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

God bless you and keep you!

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