Ice Pack for Migraines

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April (Savannah, GA) on 07/14/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Ice Pack Cured my Migraine

I'd had the worst migraine in years and it had already persisted for a day, and I had already taken the max of my prescription medication. My next step was to go to the ER when a coworker suggested the ice pack at the base of the skull. I placed several ice cubes in a Ziplock bag, placed it on the back of my neck, and lay in my bed again. I also took four more Tylenol and fell back asleep. When I awoke this time, the migraine was gone completely.

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HV (Coeur d Alene, Idaho) on 05/09/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Migraines - Ice/hot neck wraps.

A massage instructor told me that when you have a migraine, the blood is entering the head faster than it is leaving. His solution is to keep a flexable neck wrap in the freezer or refrigerator. Have a very warm wrap ready - such as a slightly damp towel hot (but not too hot) from tap water or a microwave.

To stop a migraine, wrap the cold wrap around the neck - make sure you get the front of the neck - for 30 seconds. Then apply the hot wrap for 30 seconds. This is to shock the veins open. Repeat as necessary. I don't get migraines anymore - thanks to the ACV - but I really would like feedback on this remedy.

Also for the same reasoning, if you donate blood, your migraine will go away almost instantly.

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Heidi (Phoenix, AZ) on 01/22/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Try using a frozen ice pack (the flexible kind for sports injuries works best), and place it at the base of the skull. The ice will reduce the swelling in the blood vessels which are causing the restriction of the blood flow and causing the migraine in the first place. It usually relieves my migraines within about 10-15 minutes.
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