Dietary Changes for Mesothelioma

4 star (1) 

Tony Raysik (Kansas City Mo) on 08/09/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

Diet for Living with Mesothelioma:

Hi there, my name is Tony, and I'm in my 14 month of living with my peritoneal mesothelioma. Not bad concidering they said that I had 3 to 9 months to live. Aafter watching my grandfather and my uncle die from this very same killer, I knew I was in trouble. They went through chemo and radiation treatments, and were gone within 6months. So anyway after telling the Doctor no to her fix, I went home and jumped on computer. And found several helpful hints.

I take around 125 supplements a day, juice 3 pounds of carrots, one pear, one apple and I drink that 2or 3 times a day. I eat nothing but veggie soup and fruits all day, no dairy, no meats except deep sea fish once aweek. No breads no perservatives, nothing canned, no soft drinks, and drink water with a half lemon crushed into glass. AND NO SUGAR, use tevia, works good. No grease, no sugars period. If you want more, you can email me. Oh and take about 15 mg of vitamine C3 times a day. Don't forget the vitamin C. I hope this helps someone, see ya.

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