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Ronald (Louisiana) on 01/17/2020
4 out of 5 stars

My wife was found to have a 3 mm meningioma close to four years ago. She started to take 500 mg of Curcumin (Curcuma longa) Rhizome Extract (BCM-95). In 2 years it did not grow any. Her Dr. is waiting for two years this time for another MRI. I will let you know how it turns out. The MRI will be done in August of 2020.

PS. She is a small lady that weighs only 105 lbs. Depending on your size, you may need to take more.

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Multiple Remedies for Meningiomas

Pollytickle (Boston) on 07/15/2018
5 out of 5 stars

My meningioma and schwanommas have been stable for 15 years. They have not grown at all since diagnosed in 2004.

1. I stopped all x-rays & CTs since these tumors are/can be caused by dental x-rays/head x-rays.

2. A neurosurgeon asked to see inside my mouth when I asked what causes these. I had all my silver/mercury amalgams removed.

3. I stopped using cell & cordless phones (what hand do you use vs location of tumors). I bought corded phones and only use the cell for emergencies, keep it in a radiation-protective case, and use a grounded wire headphone with it.

4. Remove all toxins from your house including deodorants, perfumes, lotions, especially petroleum products like Vaseline, dryer sheets, air fresheners and use natural Boswellia oil as an air freshener. Get rid of all the paints and toxins in your basement (offgassing). Use nontoxic cleaners and buy nontoxic clothing and bedding.

5. Eat organic & maximize nutrition. Eat broccoli sprouts (preferably with tomato). Use coconut oil, Esiac, chaga/reishi. Research d-limonene (antimutagen/anticarcinogen). Seems like a lot but worth it (& things a doctor won't tell you).

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Essiac Tea, Boswellia, Apricot Seeds for Meningioma

Judith (Noth Bergen New Jersey) on 02/15/2014

I have a benign meningioma of the brain, had a craniotomy in 2009, had partial resection of the meningioma. Started to take Essiac Tea for 1 month, does help with the pain, instead it cured me of the hemorrhoids, lowered my cholesterol level the bad cholesterol, cured me of a small cyst I had in my nose. Started to take Boswellia Serrata 200mg 1 daily, for 1 month the tumor shrank, very little, does help with the pain. Started to take Pau d Arco, didn't work for me. Started to put on my scalp coconut oil and started to drink coconut daily, for 1 month, didn't work for me. Started to take Cantron for 1 month and then started to take Apricot Seeds or kernels, for 1 month been taking 1 seed daily, they are very bitter. Within six months, I will go for an MRI of the brain to see the results.
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