Ted's Remedies for Lymphoma

5 star (1) 

Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 07/24/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Everyone. . . As promised, here is a further update on my friend's cancer and what we are doing about it. There has been much confusion by the doctors on how it started -- But I believe that it wasn't lymphoma but was originally a bone cancer that started on his backbone and spread to his lymph glands causing secondary lymphoma cancer. After he had had a few 'expensive' X-ray pictures taken of his body and further radiation therapy, my friend was simply given aspirin and Panadol and sent on his way home by the doctor's in Hong Kong. Such Hippocratic dedication is truly disappointing. It is notable, regarding cancer and metastasis, that the medical fraternity has nothing whatsoever in its meager medical arsenal that can defeat any cancer once it has metastased and spread virally. The exact figures(which took some finding believe me) for cancers being cured 5 years after metastasis and even after remission are about 2-3%. They simply have no drugs or procedures that can cope with cancer metastasis. Other symptoms that I also had to take careful account of were my cancer friend's other problems. The doctor's told him that he had had about ten tiny heart attacks or strokes in his head, causing loss of feeling, drooping, loss of motor use on one side of his body for short periods. I have incorporated certain other things into the therapy to help his heart -- not least being the megadose Lysine/Vitamin C which, according to Linus Pauling's exact same therapy, should clear his heart problems gently but quickly over time. Also, one of the side-effects of the Panadol has been constipation. Anyway, the purpose of this post is simply to broadcast exactly what I'm doing to help stop and defeat these post-metastased cancers(4 of them, on his ribs, near the backbone) in my friend's body. I have to admit that my friend with cancer was unable to purchase either Azoxystrobin or BHT in Hong kong, so I had to adapt, relying now only on high dose Lysine, Vitamin C(Ascorbate form) and Protease Enzymes for the main assault on the cancer and Essiac tablets which provide the Tannic Acid to decloak the cancer, halt cancer growth, prevent angiogenesis etc. To this effect, and to help other people, I have written up a daily protocol(which my cancer friend is following now) in simple table format and I have put it in a shared folder on Google Docs that anyone can have a look at. Here is the link:

Bill's Daily Cancer Protocol Schedule

And just to be clear, ALL the protocols that I use in this therapy are based on Ted from Bangkok's protocols. I must also add a huge thanks to Ted from Bangkok who has so generously and patiently answered every question that I have asked him through emails. The only deviation from his therapy is the Essiac tablets -- since I couldn't get the Tannic Acid -- so Ellagic acid will have to do. I will only have 3 weeks before my friend goes back to the expensive Hong Kong doctors, so this is why the protocol I've used is quite aggressive. After we discussed the protocol last Friday, my cancer friend started just the Lysine and Vitamin C megadoses yesterday and today he is laid up in bed with a slight fever, which I am happy about -- this means his immune system now actually sees and is fighting the cancer. His liver seems to be coping well because he still has a healthy appetite. But I am prepared to give protease enzymes, hydrochloric acid drops and Vitamin B100 if his appetite begins to slide. The Daily Protocol that my friend is using will change once he comes out of the Herx or cancer die-off reaction. I will be further increasing both the Lysine and Protease Enzyme doses, which is necessary to particularly defeat bone cancer. If anyone wants to know more about this daily protocol schedule, I'll be glad to answer any questions on this ongoing remedy on EC, since this is all about passing on knowledge after all. I have also decided to keep a daily journal of all symptoms, events, changes and remedies used and will eventually be putting this up on my Google Docs Shared Items. I will also update here on my friend's cancer status regularly.

Be well.

EC: Per Bill's request, this feedback has been cross-posted from https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/melanoma_questions.html#Question_3008 and also appears on Earth Clinic's Bone Cancer page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/bone-cancer.html#TED_44422

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