Borax Baths for Lichen Sclerosus

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Donna (London, Canada ) on 07/16/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I’ve suffered from Lichen Sclerosis for years! Nothing helped and I had to endure colposcopies every year to make sure I didn’t have cancer. Ouch! I found a group that recommended Borax Baths. Initially, I thought that was an insane idea. I did my research on Boron and decided to try it. Four years later, and I’m still taking my Borax baths on a regular basis. It is the only thing that calms my itching, burning and pain. My skin is healthy and soft, my overall physical pain is relieved and I rarely catch colds or viruses. (I’ve even managed to avoid the coronavirus— not that I’m suggesting that it’s a preventative measure). My gynaecologist thinks I’m crazy for bathing in “detergents” but she’s all wrong. Crazy like a