Coconut Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Juicing for Kidney Disease

4 star (1) 

Jae (San Antonio, Tx) on 01/05/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, from Tx. My husband has been on diaylsis for @ 5 years. IF YOU CAN STILL URINE, AND YOUR POTASSIUM is ok--try drinking coconut water after treatment. It will strengthen your blood, and give you energy. AS far as the Apple Cider Vinager--use an organic brand, not store brands. It has "mother's wort" and is brown in color. You can look up all its usages on the web. It's good for high blood, acid reflux, arthritis, and weight loss. I also have recently began juicing--"celery and cucumbers w/apple"--it states "assists with kidney functions! " At this point--what can it hurt! I do know that his blood pressure has been normal 120/80 for 4 months! So something is working! Mostly, we pray and believe that God's word is true, and healing is available for all that can believe! God bless each of you is my prayer!
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