Pumice Stone Exfoliation for Skin, Itchy

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Justme (Lac La Biche, Ab) on 01/07/2017:
5 out of 5 stars


I am going to try to make this short. I started to have itchy skin about 25 years ago. It was right after an evening shower, I still had my towel on and the itch hit me in my lower legs. I scratched so deep that I had left long red gouges in my legs and the itch still wouldn't stop!

After a long period of time, I had come to realize that I couldn't take any more showers and I had limited my baths, but I had no issues with baths....until about 5 years ago. After going to bed and having a bath earlier that evening, I started to have an itch and it intensified to the point where I felt like needles were being poked into my skin!

After trying "almost" everything; it was during another bath, I was doing my 5th or 6th attempt at "a rub a layer of bath salts' onto my skin and wait there for an hour until it stopped burning(...still didn't help) that if only I could get rid of this skin, so I grabbed my pumice stone and started rubbing my skin with it. After a minute of rubbing, I noticed that it was actually removing dead skin. EUREKA! This was the ticket! From then on unto today, I haven't had any, nothing, nada, itchy skin! PRAISE THE LORD, because he made me persistent!

So according to my observations, I had to remove that dead skin, and nothing else worked. I tried everything. 'THAT DEAD SKIN HAS TO BE REMOVED! ' Your good skin underneath needs to breath.

So, what I do is once a week, during one of my baths, I will soak for awhile, then I stand up, take my pumice stone and gently rub in small circles where I need it until the dead skin comes off. Sometimes it comes off right away, sometimes it takes a little longer (soak a little longer and then try again). Be warned though, if you rub too hard, you will scratch yourself....I have done it many times.

You can't do it inside the water, and it doesn't work for me in the shower...just not enough heat and moisture to softening the dead skin so that it can be easily removed.

I have plastered my self with all kinds of lotions from bad to good - coconut & olive oil..organic! ; itch creams; used all kinds of scrubbers, and a lava stone, but it was too rough for my skin. Nothing works like the pumice stone, nothing. My skin wasn't getting the benefit of the oils because of the layer of the dead skin.

I hope this will also be your remedy for itchy skin.

I thank my Lord and Saviour for guiding me.

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