Itchy Ears

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Omega 3 Oils for Itchy Ears

a2zRandall (Gainesville, FL) on 12/19/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I've had itchy ears for over 12 years now and went to several ENT doctors and dermatologists in the beginning who all said it was dermatitis and prescribed different stuff, none that really worked..

Then a couple of months ago I read that a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency is dermatitis!! I began supplementing twice a day with Alpha-linolenic acid aka 'Omega 6' and linoleic acid aka 'Omega 3' and so far after 3 months have had the closest thing to lasting relief/cure so far!

Some other things that worked for awhile from time to time over the years:

1) Equal parts of water, isopropyl alcohol and vinegar, then filled ear with eye dropper. Don't do it after heavy itching of ear, it'll burn. Was told this will treat both bacterial and fungal issues.

2) Hydrogen Peroxide: often made better for a couple of days, but sometimes made it worse..

Hope this helps.

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White Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol for Itchy Ears

Dana (San Antonio, Tx) on 01/26/2018
5 out of 5 stars

A friend to spent over $800 on antibiotics for an ear infection and couldn't get it cured told me a doctor friend from his church pulled him aside and told him quotes "you haven't heard this from me but here is how I used to clear up an infection: 1/2 part white vinegar and 1/2 part rubbing alcohol and put in your ears immediately, you cannot save this mixture."

This killed itchy ears for me and it's also stopped my granddaughter's ear infection when the antibiotics didn't!

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Silver Nanoparticles for Chronic Itchy Ears

Art (California ) on 10/20/2017
5 out of 5 stars

My sister has been having chronic itchy ears for a couple of years and she has tried many things to help with the constant itch. She recently mentioned this problem to me and I suggested she give silver nanoparticles a try to see if it would help alleviate the itching. She tried using 20 ppm silver nanoparticles (clear yellow) and applied it with a q-tip to her ears two times per day. She told me that she had forgotten about the itchiness after the first application until it started to itch again about 8 hours later. She reapplied it again before bed and slept through the night without the itchiness that would usually wake her during the night. She applied it again in the morning and again before bed. So far no more itching!


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Baby Oil for Itchy Ears

Jamie (Spokane, Wa) on 09/17/2016
5 out of 5 stars

For itchy ears, my ENT (Ear Nose And Throat) Doctor recommended baby oil to me once, just a bit on a cotton swab and applied to the ear will do it.
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Anti-Yeast Cream for Itchy Ears

Alicia ( Crown Point, Indiana) on 09/26/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I was going crazy with itchy ears nothing worked except this : I took a q-tip put a small amount of vaginal yeast infection cream on it and put it in my ears I felt instant relief did it for 3 days at night before bed. In the morning would clean around the ear with water and q-tip so the white cream would not show and Magic the itching stopped and has not returned. If I feel it coming back just do the treatment with a q tip and a very small dab of cream and it's gone again.
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DMSO for Itchy Ears

David (Central, Sc, Usa) on 05/19/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have had an itchy ear for a few months...its one of those deep intense itches where you could find yourself scratching it extremely hard for minutes on end. I had tried h202 and turpentine mixed with castor oil, both with limited, temporary relief. Decided to try some DMSO today. Eureka! The itch appears to have disappeared. I used a 70% blend with 30% distilled h20. Soaked a q-tip and rubbed the inside all the way down the canal. I don't know why I didn't think of this before! So please list DMSO as a viable solution, and thanks Diedre for all you do.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide for the Ears

Kay (Destin, Fl) on 05/01/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Lifeguards/water people who always have wet ears are very prome to ear infections both, bacterial & fungal; so to keep our "chronically wet" ears dried out properly, we (lifeguards, swim teams, surfers, etc) use a 50/50 water/alcohol solution between swims to remove excess water from the ear canal by prompting evaporation & drying. BUT this regime is too "drying" for most people, who's ears are not chroniclly wet/damp.

Instead, a cap full of hydrogen peroxide (in each ear) on a weekly/monthly basis is much better; it melts away excess ear wax, and cleans/debrids the ear, without removing the thin protective layer of ear wax.

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Tea Tree Oil, Olive Oil, Garlic or ACV for Ear Issues

Dv (Israel) on 08/16/2013

Tea tree oil, olive oil, garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar are all great for ear issues. You may drip Tea tree oil in ear, or warm some olive oil with garlic, strain so there are no pieces and it is antiseptic and calming. Diluted ACV may also be helpful in cases since it is antiseptic and with olive oil which soothes it should be a good combination. When the ear is preforated to the best of my knowledge you are not to use peroxide and be careful to not put something not sterile in ear which could cause major infection.

Diluted Bleach in Water for Itchy Years

Corieltauvus (Whangarei, Northland New Zealand) on 06/22/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Have had itchy ears for a long time and though all the usual natural rememdies seemed to work for a few hours, none was long lasting.

Finally, in frustration I added about 10 drops of bleach (sodium hypochlorate) to a 250 ml wine glass of water and swabbed my ears with a cotton bud moistened with the solution. Eureka! At last I have had no itch for days on end.

Because I have no idea if sodium hypochlorate can have side problems I kept the solution weak and did not insert drops of the liquid into my ear. Maybe you should try 5 drops per 250 ml first, and increase drop by drop until you get an effect. Don't be tempted to use a very high strength until we have an opinion on any side effects. By the way... Don't forget that bleach bleaches! Leaks may bleach your favourite black satin pillow or your shirt. I suggest you plug your ears with cotton balls until the remedy dries.

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Elizabeth (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Peroxide works great! For some reason my right ear often itches and the peroxide goes deeper into the ear so it's better than using alcohol and a Q-tip because that will only push the wax further back while the peroxide drains it out.
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Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol for Itchy Ears

Carrie (Denver, Colorado, Usa) on 02/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I've had itchy ears due to fungal infections for years. I made a mixture of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% rubbing alcohol and placed in a dropper. I drop this remedy in my ears every morning after showering, and in the evenings before bed. I have had a significant decrease in itchy ears. The alcohol keeps the ear canal dry and the vinegar creates an acetic acid barrier that inhibits the growth of yeasts or fungi. Highly recommended.
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Rita (Hunstville, AL) on 07/10/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I just wanted to comment that I personally use hydrogen peroxide each and every day to help clean my ears with a Q-tip. This actually helps to combat itchy ears and less wax buildup.
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Itchy Ear Remedies (New Page Created, Thank You!)

Felirose (Destin, Florida) on 01/13/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My grandmother had very itchy ears for the longest time. She spent hundreds of dollars on medication, but nothing helped. Finally, she heard about using a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and rubbing alcohol (so perhaps 1 tsp of vinegar and 1 of rubbing alcohol. She used white vinegar, but I'm sure ACV would work just as well).

Desperate, she filled up an ear with an eyedropper and let it do it's thing for about an hour, while she laid down and watched television. Then, she turned over and let it drain out onto a white towel for another hour.

The white towel was covered in black "stuff" - that were in her ears! She did it on both ears twice, and hasn't had itchy ears since!

I've used this when I have itchy ears - though I've never had black drainage, thank God! It works every time to stop the itching.