Rutin for IBS

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Chelsea (Tulsa, Oklahoma) on 02/01/2012:
1 out of 5 stars

Micki from Swindon: which brand of rutin did you use because I tried this per your recommendation but am seeing no results. Thanks so much, Chelsea

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Micki (Swindon, Wilts, Uk) on 02/22/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

IBS Remedy. Please try Rutin 500mgs twice a day for 3 days, then once a day for a month. After that once a week, but back to original dose if any flare ups again. This remedy is Magic! Seems to work even better, if you also take a B50 weekly, selenium yeasts for a month, and vit D3 5, 000 ius for a couple of weeks too. No flare ups at all on this supplementation. But Rutin is the main remedy.
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