Purified Water for IBS

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Sissy (Ok) on 10/19/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Chlorinated tap water gives a relative of mine diarrhea, too.

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Xox_care_xoz (Montréal ) on 10/19/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Ever since I was a child I used to get abdominal cramps followed by Diarrhea 1-2 times a week and I was never able to find the source of what was causing it and I finally accept the fact that I had IBS. I am now 31 Years old and I found the source to my problem and I no longer have abdominal cramps with Diarrhea it's been a year and it has changed my life. The source of the problem was tap water... Chlorinated water. I stopped drinking tap water and a month later I had no more issues. Please try this and see if you also have chlorine intolerance. Definitely worth trying :)
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