I have had IBS for many years and it has taken me this long to find out what it was and a cure if any. I was told by my family Dr. I had a blood disease at the age of approx. 12 or so, since then I have been following these symptoms, I have been constipated since I was born it got worse as I got older, I went from one Dr. to another for way too many years with the same stories, change my diet(?) etc. I was born on a farm so we had all kinds of apple and other fruit tree's that I ate all summer as well as corn and other veggies.I finally went to a Dr. and said listen what is wrong with my bowels(?)he said he would do some tests in the hosp.where I had to drink some barium and loads of other junk along with many tests, I said impossible. Nothing was ever resolved especially with Dr's. Then I asked my aunt what their history was on a farm, she had mentioned there was twins born into the family and one died from pneumonia, because the house was never insulated or air tight. Later on as years passed and my grandparents passed away my parents took the house.My father was fixing the house but not soon enough. There were eight children with colds constantly.When I got older I kept searching, I was very tall (5'11 1/2) at the age of 16-I was 110 Lbs. for many years and could never gain any weight at all, I continued to be constipated and severe back pain. Now here is the deepest secretes kept by the Government as well as the CDC and Drs. When a human is introduced to a very damp home it's generally called mold and/or fungi.For the past twenty plus years I have been trying every thing known to science and man-kind for info.and a cure, but absolutely nothing.
For some odd reason I came across a great remedy; here is the best solution: and harmless; I use a big cup chop an onion into slices or dice them, use fresh garlic (I buy it already peeled in a container) then use ACV in the cup with all the ingredients, it's best to let this solution set in the cup for at least a day or overnight, then take an enema where it cleans all the impurities and inflammation.I was so surprised to see all the foamy white stuff coming out.
I also read where a certain amount inflammation is protection against diseases. Good Luck every one.This remedy is a God send for me. I was almost ready to have a heart attack because of this poisonous inflammation near my heart.