I've been on here several times asking for suggestions for my ibs-d. Repeatedly, people have said I should start juicing, that would fix it. I think people don't know what the D stands for in ibs-d--diarrhea. I finally started juicing, figuring I had tried everything else. What a mistake! I've had worse diarrhea for the past 3 weeks than I've had in 20 years. Juicing is definitely NOT the answer for me. Also, 'detox' seems to be code for clean yourself out, which is not my problem. I've lost so much fluid that I'm cramping all over, lethargic, headachey and dehydrated.
Please, when you suggest juicing, be aware that some of us can't do it. Btw, I juiced leafy greens, lemon, ginger not sweet items like apples or grapes. I was hoping they would increase my gut bacteria, but I don't see how that's possible as fast as its' going thru.
Also, I saw one snarky response that said what did you expect when you put in all that liquid. Well, I didn't expect this. Now I feel like I've lost all the ground I gained getting off immodium. I had to take 6 yesterday just so I could get out to do my marketing. Sorry, but this gets a big thumbs down.