IBS and Parasites

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Jules (Brooklyn, Ny) on 02/25/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there, I was reading your post because I found myself in a similar situation about a year ago, only I was told I didnt have chrones or ulcerative colitis, yet, still had all the symptoms. I then went to a naturopath who tested for yeast and parasites and I tested positive for both. Do you feel any better?

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Rusti1230 (Dayton, Oh, Usa) on 01/25/2011:
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I'd like to add some additional information to this post. I was hospitalized and then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. They did a parasite test while I was in the hospital and it came back negative. I found out later it only tested for 5 parasite types. Based on some reading I did, there are over 350 different types of parasites. I did the whole medical establishment routine for a year and then the symptoms came back. I did not want to take all those meds anymore so I started trying many of the remedies on this site with mixed results.

To make a long story short, I also have 4 dogs and I ordered some food grade diatomaceous earth because they had worms (I read about FGDE on this site). After further reading regarding the health benefits for humans, I decided to take it myself. Not to be gross, but you can imagine my surprise (and I'll spare you the details) when I realized I had parasites myself. I'm hoping that now that I've taken care of this, that the other protocols outlined on this site will be more effective or that my UC will clear up now; however, I believe I also have a mycobacterium issue.

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Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 01/14/2011:
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Hi everyone,
I just want to say that some doctors and even the big pharma still want to hide the fact that IBS, Crohn disease and other GI dysfunction are nothing but a parasitical infections. I urge all people who are suffering from these diseases to check for parasites. On stool tests is not enough. If your doctor is stupid who doesn't think out of the box ( most doctors are brainwashed by big pharma, even their books are sponsored by big pharma, their textbooks are like their bibles). Now big pharma are trying to patent Rifaximin for IBS. The reason is simply because big pharma doesn't want to admit the fact that parasites and bacteria are causing IBS and Rifaximin kills the parasites.

is also linked to lyme disease. MS is a manifestation of a bacterial infection. It's sad to see people suffering for 10 to 20 years with IBS when a simple treatment that address the cause could cure them in 1 to 2 weeks.

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