I've suffered with IBS D for about 20 years. The consequence of this means going out and long journeys are a nightmare. You have to take a note of toilets en route so you don't get caught out and I have in the past. Spare underwear you have to take.
Anyway, onto the good news. I never say I am cured as this can come catch you out, but 100% better than I was.
All due to the Fodmap diet. Won't bore you all with specifics you can google them. Basically cutting out certain foods which have been tested to disagree with certain people and reintroduce sometime later with caution to see if that particular food should be avoided.
What this has done for me is amazing. Not only has it stopped the diarrhoea episodes, an ongoing problem with chronic coughing has cleared up and I notice my nails have grown longer and stronger.
Of course chronic diarrhea is depleting your body of essential nutrients and leaving it weaker.
This has been a life changer for me so wanted to pass it on to other sufferers.
I was diagnosed with IBS back in the late 90's. As the years passed I found more and more discomfort with belly bloating and pain and on occasion constipation. About one month ago I started to experience the symptoms of IBSD and I am here to tell you, I was practically living in my bathroom for three days. I then changed over my diet to no dairy, less fiber because I noticed when I ate things like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, etc. I would be running to the bathroom shortly after.
I began to drink coconut water, having coconut/almond milk in my coffee, supposedly non dairy, cut out ice cream and even had to cut out frozen yogurt and tried the lactaid products and still I am having issues. It is not as bad as it was last week, but it seems no matter what I eat, I am running a short while after or by the wee morning hours up and about with pain, discomfort, nausea. I have no clue what I should do anymore. I have plain Italian toast with jam, plain scrambled eggs, coconut water, etc. etc. and still, I wake up during the night in pain. I had tried the essence of peppermint like I used to take and still no relief.
I don't know what to do anymore..I am so tired and trying to make sure I stay hydrated at the same time. It has been one week today when this all got worse. Please help me!
I was recently diagnosed with IBS. My symptoms include, sever constipation, black stools, upset stomach when I eat and when I have a bowel movement. I had been taking an over the counter drug and it kept me regular. However the stools each morning were initially hard followed immediately by a loose stool. I was prescribed a IBS drug which while I was on it (taken three times a day for two weeks) I was regular but still has some stomach discomfort. When I went off the drug my symptoms returned and the over the counter drum is not effective. I had a series of tests, scopes, colonoscopy and an endoscopic ultrasound. I was not tested for parasites at all. I am on a FODMAP diet and my constipation is terrible and so far I have not seen any improvement. Any advice.
First, you need to watch your diet. Keep a journal and record what you eat, when, how you felt, etc. Also note if you are stressed, tired, that sort of thing. You will notice in a short time what foods bother you when eaten often/occasionally/very rarely/in great quantities. For instance, I can drink 1 c of coffee but not 2 in a day. Some foods are definite triggers--chocolate, tomatoes, high fats. We are always told to eat whole grains, but this is very hard on ibsD. Well-cooked without peel is usually safe for fruits & vegs. Then, look at fiber. There ar 2 kinds, soluble and insoluble. The soluble is goopy, as in oatmeal and lima beans. The insoluble is roughage, like celery. Avoid the insoluble and increase the soluble. If you eat things like nuts, chew very well. Make sure you stay hydrated, water is usually good. Peppermint is an antispasmodic and can help with cramping--comes in capsules, too. good Luck. I've been helped by folks on EC so much, I'm glad I can pass it on.
I used to have terrible IBS. I found that avoiding dairy helped tremendously also. I no longer have IBS. I attribute this recovery to stopping my diet soda intake (it was hard, but what a difference! ) and taking 3,000 mg (or more) of MSM daily. I've heard that aloe vera juice can also soothe the gut and clear this up. * I also used colloidal silver first to clear up any bacterial infections that may be in the system. ** Note: If you are using ANY artificial sweeteners, this will worsen IBS symptoms, at least it did in my experience and in my mother's experience.
a vegan diet definitely helps manage condition. for me this is 100% crucial in management of condition. it won't cure it, but it'll give you some breathing space and energy. a lot of animal products cause IBs and bloating/Diarrhea.
I have IBS with a tendency toward diarrhea. I can't take supplemental mag. at all because it makes me worse. I try to get my magnesium from the foods I eat.
What has really helped me is a gluten-free diet. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to know whether it will help, so be patient. The other thing that has helped is powdered l-glutamine, about a heaping teaspoon mixed in water every day. It's well known as a bowel healer. Powdered vitamin-C can help too but start out slowly because too much can cause diarrhea.
I have learned to avoid what I know bothers me. At the top of this list are pain relievers (both prescription and OTC), alcohol, milk, horseradish, garlic and raw onion. I have also learned that adding fiber to the diet can make me worse, particularly commercial fiber preparations. I stick with half an apple, a little brown rice, or a very small serving of beans when I need fiber, and I don't eat them every day.
Jessica Nicholson (Toronto, Canada) on 09/02/2008:
I suffered from chronic IBS along with acne mostly in my T zone and fluctuating weight gain/loss for a number of years. after much toying with medications birth control pills and numerous skin creams which all had horrible side effects like rashes, yeast infections, bladder infections Candida, massive mood swings, depression, bad breath etc... I decided to find my own cure by following my bodies urges. I did a ton of research about digestion and the causes a poor diet has on digestion and eventually the skin after all our bodies organs are all connected to one another I then kept a food journal recording how I felt before and after everything I ate I eventually discovered that wheat was the culprit I was eating the stuff daily pasta, bread, and cereal.who'da thunk it wheat supposibly the miracle food giver of life was poisoning my body. After this discovery I eliminated wheat completely from my diet went on a regime of detox and colon cleanses all with natural products such as olive oil and lemon juice mixture for getting rid of gall stones, Dr Natura for a gentle natural non intrusive colon cleanse regime. and the master cleanse along with a juice fast for 10 days. and I eventually switched over to a vegitarian diet very high in live green foods, fruit and soy. This totally cleared up my skin, cutting out the wheat cleared up my IBS almost immediately and I have been IBS free now for almost 10 years. Another neat side effect of wheat elimination was I had suffered from a series of learning disabilities while I was a child and young adult after cutting out the wheat the brain fog cleared up and I was finally able to focus for the first time in my life. The cleansing cleared up my skin and the dietary changes dropped my weight to a my optimum weight I'm 5'8" tall and weigh 140 pounds with a very athletic build and have had no fluctuation since the change.
I am now 9 months pregnant and have never been so healthy in my life.I have put on the appropriate amount of weight needed for a health pregnancy. I have experienced no discomfort and had a totally normal exceptionally healthy pregnancy on this diet.
Follow your body's intuition and you will never go wrong. health is in your hands and diet! best of luck Jessica xo
I had suffered from IBS for years and years since I was about 11. It got to be so bad that my lower intestine enlarged to a point where it was pushing up against my stomach and causing severe pain. What really seemed to help me is to take a capsule of flax seed oil with a meal along with a glass of water. It made it so that I was regular. In recent years, I've been doing research on just how many illnesses are related to the consumption of animals and their byproducts such as cheese and the like. In an effort to become a healthier and more compassionate person, I became a vegan and it has done so much for me!! Not only has it completely cleared up the IBS, but numerous other things such as hypoglycemia, acne, made my skin more healthy and radient, made my nails harder, I get a more restful night's sleep, I have a TON more energy, etc. I cannot say enough about how much becoming a vegan has helped my health but the most drastic of a chsnge that I have found is the IBS. Within literally two days I was regular without the help of anything. I didn't have to watch what I ate to make sure that everything would be okay either. It was and is awesome! About an hour after I eat I have to go and it is the biggest relief! I hope those of you with IBS take my advice seriously and just think about cutting at least some of the animal products out of your diet.