Buttermilk for IBS

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4 star (1) 

Tonya (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/04/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

No. You do not. I began by drinking one swallow before each meal ...then two days later I increased to two swallows before each meal. I’m two weeks into it and it has worked wonders for my tummy!!! I now drink 1/4 cup a couple times a day because it helps so much. Literally, it’s been life saving. I have IBS-C and it has made all the difference in the world.

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Trudyg (USA) on 05/17/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

The buttermilk has live probiotics, that's why it helps. I would never say I'm cured because it does come back--eat the wrong thing or stress and I've got a flare that can last a year. I've been making and drinking my own kefir which has been a fantastic help, so if you can't get good buttermilk you can try kefir. I haven't taken supplements for my insomnia the last 3 day, took ambien b/c too much going on & had to sleep. Plan tonight to take l-glutamine + 5-htp+ taurine + vit e. Any thoughts? It's morning now & I can change it if you have any ideas. Thanks.

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REPLY   2      

Cindy Bells (Ca, United States) on 05/16/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I want to say how grateful I am to find this site and the buttermilk suggestion cure for my IBS - D. I'm absolutely amazed, I have suffered severely for at least 15 years with absolutely no other helpful treatments or cures at all until now and within one day Yes only one day and I'm cured. I couldn't eat or drink anything without having to run to bathroom and I alway felt like I was starving even nauseous feeling even during and directly after eating. Organic buttermilk was suggested but I could only find CULTURED or regular buttermilk so I chose the cultured at my local grocery store in milk section [ just FYI info for other desperate people ] to someone else that may not have acsess to healthfood stores and it was very inexpensive aswell... Cultured Buttermilk worked a miracle for me. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps other aswell. Cindy
REPLY   5      

Zita (Chicago, Illinois) on 02/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice and Buttermilk Cure.

I've been in agony trying to find a cure for this new malady called IBS. I've been reading what the subcribers here have tried and I was willing to try anything. I have IBS-D. I read about Molasses, Buttermilk, Royal Jelly and I went to the store to purchase these items to try and see if something would work. That day I was only able to find buttermilk, the Organic kind. I was skeptical but I tried it with ____ [600 mg calcium tablet] at bedtime. The next day I woke up prepared to battle the many washroom runs I'd have and try not to look too conspicuous during my marathon leaps to get there. Funny thing, it didn't happen; I was OK however, I did have irritation and sometimes urges that were nothing but still I couldn't be too sure and I'd wind up sprinting for the washroom just in case. After a month of Buttermilk in the evening with the calcium and still feeling irritations, one evening I was so thirsty; water wasn't something I wanted. I spotted a lemon, squeezed it, added a little sugar and bottled water and drank like a camel. The next day there was no irritation but I did not make the connection right away; I thought it was most likely a food item, a trigger, that I had NOT ingested. That evening and several evenings after that, I continued drinking fresh Lemon Water and I think it's the cure. I've been fine ever since...no irritation, no D or C....I'm fine!

REPLY   1      

CheeMiss (Toronto, Ont) on 05/26/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I know that this might sound to simple, but please try CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK.

I have been in such IBS intestinal pain, gas, bloating, burping, D etc., ....all this came about after I finished an IBS study for meds (4mths), incl CBT (cognitive behavior therapy.) The meds gave me nasty side effects and the CBT although nice, but also not effective. You have no idea all the natural things & meds that I have tried all these years. Nothing worked.

Our local health food store recently started to carry the NEW and ONLY one out there...Certified Organic Buttermilk. I could not find this before. The conventional buttermilk just did not help me as it did prior to the late 60's. I grabbed the last 3 liter cartons and drank 1 liter that day and started on the others first thing on an empty stomach in the mornings. By the afternoon of the 2nd day....everything started to subside drastically. After the 3rd liter (3rd day), I could not believe that all my IBS attacks symptoms had vanished. All these years of suffering with next to no remission time.

I ordered 4 more liters and drank 1 liter per day. It has now been 2 weeks and I am IBS free. My D stopped on the 2nd day, along with the intense cramping. My tummy has greatly reduced in size and I am not gassy, burpy or acid reflux, and my D is gone.

I have been eating all my trigger foods with no problem. If I feel a twinge coming on, I merely pour a very large glass of this amazing thick, rich buttermilk and drink it all in one shot. Do not sip at it. It seems to work best when you drink it all at once.

I can't seem to get enough of it. My body is craving it like nothing I have experience before. I advance ordered another 4 liters. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK AND THE CONVENTIONAL ONE.

Research the ingredients for yourselves and you will see. This type of buttermilk is like the product my mom use to give me when was a kid to settle down my IBS. Nothing has worked like this since until now. Check out Harmony dairy in Ontario. They seem to be the only ones supplying it so far. (btw: the ACV almost killed me and although I have been using coconut oil for the past 2 yrs., it too has not settled down my IBS.) I hope this remedy helps someone as much as it has helped me.

REPLY   6      

buttermilk for IBS

5 star (4) 
4 star (1) 

Tonya (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/04/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

No. You do not. I began by drinking one swallow before each meal ...then two days later I increased to two swallows before each meal. I’m two weeks into it and it has worked wonders for my tummy!!! I now drink 1/4 cup a couple times a day because it helps so much. Literally, it’s been life saving. I have IBS-C and it has made all the difference in the world.

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REPLY   5      

Trudyg (USA) on 05/17/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

The buttermilk has live probiotics, that's why it helps. I would never say I'm cured because it does come back--eat the wrong thing or stress and I've got a flare that can last a year. I've been making and drinking my own kefir which has been a fantastic help, so if you can't get good buttermilk you can try kefir. I haven't taken supplements for my insomnia the last 3 day, took ambien b/c too much going on & had to sleep. Plan tonight to take l-glutamine + 5-htp+ taurine + vit e. Any thoughts? It's morning now & I can change it if you have any ideas. Thanks.

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REPLY   2      

Cindy Bells (Ca, United States) on 05/16/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I want to say how grateful I am to find this site and the buttermilk suggestion cure for my IBS - D. I'm absolutely amazed, I have suffered severely for at least 15 years with absolutely no other helpful treatments or cures at all until now and within one day Yes only one day and I'm cured. I couldn't eat or drink anything without having to run to bathroom and I alway felt like I was starving even nauseous feeling even during and directly after eating. Organic buttermilk was suggested but I could only find CULTURED or regular buttermilk so I chose the cultured at my local grocery store in milk section [ just FYI info for other desperate people ] to someone else that may not have acsess to healthfood stores and it was very inexpensive aswell... Cultured Buttermilk worked a miracle for me. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps other aswell. Cindy
REPLY   5      

Zita (Chicago, Illinois) on 02/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice and Buttermilk Cure.

I've been in agony trying to find a cure for this new malady called IBS. I've been reading what the subcribers here have tried and I was willing to try anything. I have IBS-D. I read about Molasses, Buttermilk, Royal Jelly and I went to the store to purchase these items to try and see if something would work. That day I was only able to find buttermilk, the Organic kind. I was skeptical but I tried it with ____ [600 mg calcium tablet] at bedtime. The next day I woke up prepared to battle the many washroom runs I'd have and try not to look too conspicuous during my marathon leaps to get there. Funny thing, it didn't happen; I was OK however, I did have irritation and sometimes urges that were nothing but still I couldn't be too sure and I'd wind up sprinting for the washroom just in case. After a month of Buttermilk in the evening with the calcium and still feeling irritations, one evening I was so thirsty; water wasn't something I wanted. I spotted a lemon, squeezed it, added a little sugar and bottled water and drank like a camel. The next day there was no irritation but I did not make the connection right away; I thought it was most likely a food item, a trigger, that I had NOT ingested. That evening and several evenings after that, I continued drinking fresh Lemon Water and I think it's the cure. I've been fine ever since...no irritation, no D or C....I'm fine!

REPLY   1      

CheeMiss (Toronto, Ont) on 05/26/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I know that this might sound to simple, but please try CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK.

I have been in such IBS intestinal pain, gas, bloating, burping, D etc., ....all this came about after I finished an IBS study for meds (4mths), incl CBT (cognitive behavior therapy.) The meds gave me nasty side effects and the CBT although nice, but also not effective. You have no idea all the natural things & meds that I have tried all these years. Nothing worked.

Our local health food store recently started to carry the NEW and ONLY one out there...Certified Organic Buttermilk. I could not find this before. The conventional buttermilk just did not help me as it did prior to the late 60's. I grabbed the last 3 liter cartons and drank 1 liter that day and started on the others first thing on an empty stomach in the mornings. By the afternoon of the 2nd day....everything started to subside drastically. After the 3rd liter (3rd day), I could not believe that all my IBS attacks symptoms had vanished. All these years of suffering with next to no remission time.

I ordered 4 more liters and drank 1 liter per day. It has now been 2 weeks and I am IBS free. My D stopped on the 2nd day, along with the intense cramping. My tummy has greatly reduced in size and I am not gassy, burpy or acid reflux, and my D is gone.

I have been eating all my trigger foods with no problem. If I feel a twinge coming on, I merely pour a very large glass of this amazing thick, rich buttermilk and drink it all in one shot. Do not sip at it. It seems to work best when you drink it all at once.

I can't seem to get enough of it. My body is craving it like nothing I have experience before. I advance ordered another 4 liters. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK AND THE CONVENTIONAL ONE.

Research the ingredients for yourselves and you will see. This type of buttermilk is like the product my mom use to give me when was a kid to settle down my IBS. Nothing has worked like this since until now. Check out Harmony dairy in Ontario. They seem to be the only ones supplying it so far. (btw: the ACV almost killed me and although I have been using coconut oil for the past 2 yrs., it too has not settled down my IBS.) I hope this remedy helps someone as much as it has helped me.

REPLY   6      

Tonya (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/04/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

No. You do not. I began by drinking one swallow before each meal ...then two days later I increased to two swallows before each meal. I’m two weeks into it and it has worked wonders for my tummy!!! I now drink 1/4 cup a couple times a day because it helps so much. Literally, it’s been life saving. I have IBS-C and it has made all the difference in the world.

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REPLY   5      

Trudyg (USA) on 05/17/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

The buttermilk has live probiotics, that's why it helps. I would never say I'm cured because it does come back--eat the wrong thing or stress and I've got a flare that can last a year. I've been making and drinking my own kefir which has been a fantastic help, so if you can't get good buttermilk you can try kefir. I haven't taken supplements for my insomnia the last 3 day, took ambien b/c too much going on & had to sleep. Plan tonight to take l-glutamine + 5-htp+ taurine + vit e. Any thoughts? It's morning now & I can change it if you have any ideas. Thanks.

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REPLY   2      

Cindy Bells (Ca, United States) on 05/16/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I want to say how grateful I am to find this site and the buttermilk suggestion cure for my IBS - D. I'm absolutely amazed, I have suffered severely for at least 15 years with absolutely no other helpful treatments or cures at all until now and within one day Yes only one day and I'm cured. I couldn't eat or drink anything without having to run to bathroom and I alway felt like I was starving even nauseous feeling even during and directly after eating. Organic buttermilk was suggested but I could only find CULTURED or regular buttermilk so I chose the cultured at my local grocery store in milk section [ just FYI info for other desperate people ] to someone else that may not have acsess to healthfood stores and it was very inexpensive aswell... Cultured Buttermilk worked a miracle for me. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps other aswell. Cindy
REPLY   5      

Zita (Chicago, Illinois) on 02/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice and Buttermilk Cure.

I've been in agony trying to find a cure for this new malady called IBS. I've been reading what the subcribers here have tried and I was willing to try anything. I have IBS-D. I read about Molasses, Buttermilk, Royal Jelly and I went to the store to purchase these items to try and see if something would work. That day I was only able to find buttermilk, the Organic kind. I was skeptical but I tried it with ____ [600 mg calcium tablet] at bedtime. The next day I woke up prepared to battle the many washroom runs I'd have and try not to look too conspicuous during my marathon leaps to get there. Funny thing, it didn't happen; I was OK however, I did have irritation and sometimes urges that were nothing but still I couldn't be too sure and I'd wind up sprinting for the washroom just in case. After a month of Buttermilk in the evening with the calcium and still feeling irritations, one evening I was so thirsty; water wasn't something I wanted. I spotted a lemon, squeezed it, added a little sugar and bottled water and drank like a camel. The next day there was no irritation but I did not make the connection right away; I thought it was most likely a food item, a trigger, that I had NOT ingested. That evening and several evenings after that, I continued drinking fresh Lemon Water and I think it's the cure. I've been fine ever since...no irritation, no D or C....I'm fine!

REPLY   1      

CheeMiss (Toronto, Ont) on 05/26/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I know that this might sound to simple, but please try CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK.

I have been in such IBS intestinal pain, gas, bloating, burping, D etc., ....all this came about after I finished an IBS study for meds (4mths), incl CBT (cognitive behavior therapy.) The meds gave me nasty side effects and the CBT although nice, but also not effective. You have no idea all the natural things & meds that I have tried all these years. Nothing worked.

Our local health food store recently started to carry the NEW and ONLY one out there...Certified Organic Buttermilk. I could not find this before. The conventional buttermilk just did not help me as it did prior to the late 60's. I grabbed the last 3 liter cartons and drank 1 liter that day and started on the others first thing on an empty stomach in the mornings. By the afternoon of the 2nd day....everything started to subside drastically. After the 3rd liter (3rd day), I could not believe that all my IBS attacks symptoms had vanished. All these years of suffering with next to no remission time.

I ordered 4 more liters and drank 1 liter per day. It has now been 2 weeks and I am IBS free. My D stopped on the 2nd day, along with the intense cramping. My tummy has greatly reduced in size and I am not gassy, burpy or acid reflux, and my D is gone.

I have been eating all my trigger foods with no problem. If I feel a twinge coming on, I merely pour a very large glass of this amazing thick, rich buttermilk and drink it all in one shot. Do not sip at it. It seems to work best when you drink it all at once.

I can't seem to get enough of it. My body is craving it like nothing I have experience before. I advance ordered another 4 liters. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK AND THE CONVENTIONAL ONE.

Research the ingredients for yourselves and you will see. This type of buttermilk is like the product my mom use to give me when was a kid to settle down my IBS. Nothing has worked like this since until now. Check out Harmony dairy in Ontario. They seem to be the only ones supplying it so far. (btw: the ACV almost killed me and although I have been using coconut oil for the past 2 yrs., it too has not settled down my IBS.) I hope this remedy helps someone as much as it has helped me.

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