My friend had been on blood pressure medicines and was unsure of what to do when her doctor went out of town and she couldn’t consult him for continuation of the dosage.
I suggested that she take a tablespoon of ACV in water or fruit juice once a day till the doc was back and she could consult him again.
2 weeks later, the doc was back and after testing her told her she needn’t go back to the medication again:)
When the mother of a 20-year old told me he’s been having IBS ever since he was a child and that they’ve tried everything including holistic treatments, we decided to try the ACV. Same dosage of 1 tablespoon with water or fruit juice once a day. By the end of the first bottle his IBS was gone. It hasn’t come back in the 5 years since then:)
Recently started taking Apple Cider Vinegar for other health benefits and noticed a positive effect on my IBS problems. I don't even take it everyday but I take about 4 tablespoons at a time in juice to help with the taste. Before that I had luck in managing the symptoms with Slippery Elm Bark pills. Which I took when I felt an episode coming on.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. What a wonderful natural remedy. I have been suffering from IBS for years. One evening when I was having too much of problem, I surfed the net and came across this remedy. I took a single dose of ACV and felt better. I took one dose next morning and passed the day without any problem. Now I am taking just one dose in the morning and feeling good. One precaution, n it causes constipation so you have to keep this in mind
I have been using Organic Raw ACV for my IBS symptoms.... It worked really well after I added a little bit of baking soda and 1/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper with a bit of Turmeric. Overall symptoms are significantly better now.
It keeps going and coming in cycles ... Every couple of week especially when I am not sleeping enough and work and family realted stress. I am working to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night and not to sleep late on the weekends and exercise more often at the gym.
This is a follow-up to my original post back in April 2010. I'm still symptom free from my IBS because of the ACV. I haven't had any problems with it whatsoever since I started drinking the ACV. The good news is that now, I only drink it once in awhile for "maintenance". If you have IBS, you must give it a try.
Amazing how this instantly cured my IBS! I have been suffering with IBS for about a year now. I got IBS at age 14 and it really made high school a living hell. Now I'm currently 15 and I'm cured! The quality of life is so much better for me now. I recommend AVC to everyone with IBS, it works amazingly.
I took your advice and have been drinking the ACV with Mother for 5 days. I feel much better and have noticed a little energy surge. Thanks so much for this great idea. What is funny is that my Dad drank ACV and honey every day way back in the 60's and my mom made us kids drink it too. I never knew why, maybe they knew about it's healing ability. :~)
I'm a 48 yr old, post menopausal female. I was diagnosed with IBS about 14 yrs ago. I've had flare ups off and on over the years. It got much worse after going through menopause. No prescription meds seems to work. About a yr ago, I tried acupuncture and in less than 3 sessions I was basically "cured"...until I developed a hiatal hernia. the doc gave me omeprazole for the pain. I'm pretty sure that the medicine got rid of ALL the acid in my stomach, therefore my IBS flared up big time because my stomach was unable to digest food properly. The gas, bloating, cramping and irregular stools all came back with a vengence. thanks to this website, I decided to try ACV. After the first dose, I noticed improvement. After that, I've had no symptoms AT ALL. I've been drinking it for a week now. For myself, 1tbsp in about 8oz of water 3 times a day works for me. And it's unfiltered organic ACV with the 'mother'. I also noticed an immediate increase in energy which was a huge welcome! I did have some constipation for about 3 days, but I stuck it out and now I'm regular and "normal". I also feel like I am able to breath deeper now, which I was having trouble with before.I don't use the baking soda with the ACV because I just love the taste of vinegar anyway. I wouldn't drink it straight up though, because I think it would burn like the devil. I'm sure the vinegar is why I no longer have the symptoms from the hiatal hernia too, acid reflux, etc. Trying to pass this amazing "fix" on to friends and family..Mostly I just get funny looks. Oh well, their loss. I won't be without my ACV again. ps..haven't changed my diet in the least either. Thank you EC!
I have suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for nearly 20 years. My worst symptom is chronic constipation. For a while I was unknowingly on a "natural" stimulant and didn't realize I was dependent on it to stay "regular". After two partial bowel obstructions I realized what had happened and have had trouble getting regular again without the aide of stimulants UNTIL Apple Cider Vinegar! I have been taking it three times each day since before Thanksgiving and have been regular with no other "help" aides for almost two months. To avoid the additional calories that come from taking ACV with honey or juices, I dilute mine with flavored carbonated water and it has become very easy to take.
Apple Cider Vinegar cured my Sore throat, sinus infection, loose stools, gas, lack of energy, depression, decreased my appetite, cleared up a dermatologic problem. My sister got me started taking organic ACV 1 tsp in 8 oz spring water 3 times a day. At first I tried it because I had a sore throat that was immediately gone, my sinus infection went away within 24 hours or so. I have IBS and have been battling foul-smelling loose stools for years. Within a couple of days my stools were formed with almost no odor. I feel 100% better. My appetite just dropped and I'm not getting fatty food cravings like I used to and I've lost 22 pounds so far. Also, I have had big painful butt boils off and on for years and my hindquarters cleared up within a couple of days.