Hydrogen Peroxide for Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatment and Dosages

We all know, or at least have heard, of the miracle cure hydrogen peroxide. But, when it comes to treating sensitive issues like bacterial vaginosis, we're likely all a little skeptical. However, we've discovered that hydrogen peroxide is such a safe, effective remedy it is often passed down through families. So, you can safely count bacterial vaginosis as another win for the hydrogen peroxide hero of health and try it for yourself.

What Is the Issue?

While many of us don't like to talk about vaginal health issues, the truth is they exist and they are relatively common. Bacterial vaginosis, like a number of other vaginal issues, is often caused by common sexual practices, such as douching. The condition is caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina that results in inflammation and often a foul odor.

How Can I Naturally Treat Bacterial Vaginosis?

When it comes to treating sensitive parts of our bodies, we are even more concerned about treating them naturally and effectively. BV can very easily be treated utilizing a variety of methods, but one of the most effective is hydrogen peroxide.

How Does It Work?

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfecting agent. The treatment functions to eliminate the bad bacteria in the body, which, in turn, allows the body to restore the natural levels of good bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide also helps eliminate inflammation-causing irritants and other common issues associated with bacterial vaginosis.

How Do I Use Hydrogen Peroxide for BV?

You can use hydrogen peroxide in a couple of different ways to treat BV. First, remember that you always want to use 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with equal parts water to avoid a concentration of the treatment that could cause additional drying and irritation to the vagina. (You are actually creating a solution that is 1.5% hydrogen peroxide because you cannot buy 1.5% hydrogen peroxide.)

After you've created the appropriate solution, you can use it as a douche or apply it to a tampon to be inserted directly. If using this option, do not leave the tampon inserted for longer than 30 minutes. These treatments should be followed until the odor subsides, indicating that the issue has been resolved.

In addition to treating BV with hydrogen peroxide, you may consider taking a regular probiotic or eating probiotic foods to avoid further issues with bacterial infection.

Continue reading below for feedback from more 100 women who have used H202 to successfully cure BV. Tried H202 for your condition? Please share your feedback with us!

Bacterial Vaginosis - Table of Contents

Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies