Papaya Ointment for Dry Skin

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Maria (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) on 01/16/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

Am now adding another use for Papaya Ointment. Itchy elbow one sided. Showed it to my doctor years ago and he said it looked like Psoriasis and advised me to put petroleum jelly on the surrounding skin to prevent it spreading. So long ago, do not remember what I used but instead of going to a Homoeopath, I pushed it back into the system with something topical and now years later it is attempting to return. It's very mild and I like to experiment but the only ointment which stops the itching ...straight Papaya Ointment. I have two kinds, one pure one not and both work.

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Maria (Canberra, Australia) on 06/19/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

Wonderful to have this website! Am reporting cure from Ichthyotis ( spelling?) that scaly looking crocodile skin. Am 77 yrs. For several years, any dark coloured slacks I wore had white powder inside the legs from the skin rubbing and flaking. I was ashamed of how my lower legs looked and kept them covered. I often rubbed good quality lotions and also oils on them but no cure, just looked better for a day. I finally remembered how Papaya Ointment helped my mothers hands after she damaged them with bleach. She tried many things but only the papaya helped ( straight away.)

Well, it worked for my legs too. After the first application! Because it is sticky, I patted talcum powder over it. I applied it again two days later just in case, but that one application did it. My mother used the one mixed with petroleum jelly, I used a very natural one. I waited two weeks before reporting. Both types of ointment worked straight away. It's the Papaya.

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