Turmeric for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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Jennifer (Sacramento, California) on 09/22/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I don't normally take the time to post comments on web sites but I must share my results using Turmeric. I have suffered from Hidradenitis Suppurativa in the groin area for fifteen years. My doctors have tried everything from antibiodics to accutane to surgery and nothing has helped me (I've got the scars to prove it). Two weeks ago, one of my abcess' finally put me in the emergency room, where I had an allergic reaction to an antibiodic drip they gave me. That's when I decided to go off all of my medicine and do my own research on Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I came across this site, read all of the positive feedback about Turmeric from other Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferers, and figured I've got nothing to lose. The day I started taking Turmeric I had two active abcess. One on my inner thigh that was open (you know, the kind you have to put a band aid on because it just leaks and leaks) and one on my inner buttock area that never drained. It just stayed large and turned purple and was very painful. Within two days the boil on my buttock went from purple to pink (that's never happened before) and receeded and within a week the open boil on my thigh was healed over. I have never had any of my abcess' heal this quickly. Even my husband said he couldn't believe how quickly I was healing. This weekend, I actually worked outside in the heat in jeans without having to wear band aids! Those of you who suffer from this disease know how horrifying that can be.
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Joan (San Francisco, CA) on 09/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I am following up to confirm all who have been writing about boils and HS. I've had the affliction for almost 2 years in the groin region. After discovering this site, I swear by the Turmeric ____; washing the affected area twice daily with ___soap; using tea tree oil as an antiseptic and an ointment to soothe the skin after. When there is an attack, I take Alleve for the swelling/pain and use hot compresses (if necessary) to help w/ drainage. I am a very active person who is a spinning enthusiast so you can imagine how this was affecting me prior. I also use hypoallergenic bandaids to avoid irritation from the normal adhesive after draining. Although this is incurable, I can live a pretty normal life now. Good luck to all.
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Alene (SLC, UT) on 09/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you for this website! After years of suffering, I FINALLY know what to do to prevent/cure my HS. I cannot believe I went to doctors for YEARS, paid big bucks for useless antibiotics, paid out of pocket at times to have the darn things lanced...when all the while a spice from the grocery store was all I needed. I am soooo excited to have found this! It took just over one day of the turmeric-water remedy, and now...sweet relief!!! I feel like I have hope again. Traditional medicine's outlook on HS is so bleak (no idea what causes it, no known cure). But natural medicine saves the day. Yea!
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Cara (Surrey, BC) on 08/29/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I came across this website while i was doing research for alternate remedies for my HS.. I had been in alot of pain and really didnt like being on antibotics (b.c they DONT work) Anyways.. I went to my local pharmacy which carries homopathic remedies and picked up turmeric. It is AMAZING the difference. My HS isnt completly gone but it might as well be for the difference it made. i do not get large painful cysts anymore, mostly just small acne like ones with minimal pain. If i do get a larger cyst they do not tract anymore and come to a head sooner so I can lance it with immediate releif. I have also been using a tea tree oil topically... THANK YOU for your site and your remedies.. I have been virtually pain free for a month, longer then i have ever been in almost 20 years
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Melonie (Atlanta, Georgia USA) on 07/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). It is a pus-producing and debilitating skin condition that causes large infected boils on the neck, breasts, armpits, abdomen, buttocks and groin areas. They can grow together and also form a tunnel called a "sinus tract". It sounds like what some of you may have. I was self-diagnosed after doctors didn't know what is was & still didn't after informing them. Their treatment was years of antibiotics which didn't work, by-the-way because in most cases, the pus is sterile. I went online and searched for a Natural/Holistic treatment and found Turmeric. I took as directed ( 1 teaspoon in a cup of warm water 10-15 minutes before breakfast & dinner for 3 days). I felt results in hours - not days. I felt better overall. In 3 days all of my golf ball sized areas on my neck, breasts, underarms ans sinus tract disappeared, along with the terrible deep-purple scars that HS leaves. I went back to my dermatologist 6 months later and they could not believe I was the same person. I have told my HS Support Group Members about it and they, too, have been successful into putting their condition into remission. I have been in remission for 7 months now. For some reason, the capsules do not seem to have the same effects and affects as the powder in warm water, though.
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Binal (Edison, NJ) on 05/22/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Thanks to everyone for the Turmeric remedy. i tried that for just one week and everything started clear up. This really works! Thank you!
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Bosslady (Youngstown, Ohio) on 02/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Hidradentis sufferers do try the Tumeric. The pain and irritation was driving me crazy. I read the comments on this site and ran to the local grocery store. The taste was not bad at all. I drank one cup that evening and when I woke up the swelling had come down along with the pain. I continued to drink it twice a day for two days and I was amazed at how my underarms started clearing up. I was so afraid to wear deodorant so after started applying a dry mixture of baking soda and corn starch. I now soak in an all natural detox bath and wipe the armpits with dilluted apple cider vinegar. THESE ARE INEXPENSIVE REMEDIES THAT WORK AND THEY ARE ALL NATURAL.
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Dorothy (Randallstown, MD) on 02/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I Have HS [Hidrandenitis Suppurativa] I'm relly scared, I've been dealing with boils under my arms for about two months now. I hd surgery 1/25/08. The doctor left the staples in two long and the area was tender and swollen. I started the turmeric and it help with new boils. However I'm itching all over, it may be that I'm so scared. I started some natural meds (colliadal silver) does anyone know if this causes itching. I so scared I just got another boils on my elbow but the same arm where I had surgery on the boils. My arm pits look horrible. I want to cry. Tell me what can help me. Especialy the itching.
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Missie (Wichita, Kansas) on 07/19/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Since I was a teen, I've fought with boils. Then I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa about a year ago. My doctor simply gave me the diagnosis and left the room, giving me no information whatsoever. I resolved that I would find a way to at least ease living with this disease. I started looking around and that is when I came upon your site. I tried the turmeric cure and it works! I also had a bit of trouble with sores remaining after a boil would drain. I mixed a little turmeric with honey and applied it as a salve. It heals up in no time! Thanks to all of you, this site changed my life!
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Nick (Vero Beach, Florida) on 05/16/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

14 years of suffering over: I suffered from a very bad case of Hidradentits Supprativa, under both armpits and all over my buttocks. I have been in for surgery. It came back and i thought i was giong to have this with me the rest of me life. I would get flare up 2-3 andsometimes 4 times a year. Very very painful. When i get flare ups ther would grow sometimes the size of a orange. Nothing seemed to help. Until I fond this site. I am proof that Turmeric (1 teaspoon )in a glass of warm water is nasty. Not as nasty as having a zit the size of Texas under your underarm. In closing I want to Thank-You for providing this information.
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